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The New York stock exchange crashed in1929.

The New York Yankees have one of the most imposing lineups in recent history, but still, the record says that even they cannot get by in October with mediocre pitching. 目前,洋基虽然拥有近年来最惊人的先发阵容,然而,历史告诉我们,如果他们的投手群表现平庸,仍将无法通过十月的考验。
The New York based firm pioneered the art of the leveraged buy-out. 这间纽约公司是操作买断槓杆艺术的先驱。
The New York commemoration may have been the last one that will take place in the pit of Ground Zero as rebuilding for a new World Trade Center complex and a memorial is already under way. 因为新世贸中心的重建和纪念馆的建立,纽约的悼念活动可能是最后一次在归零地举行了。
The New York of today came into shape only within the last century. 在上个世纪,纽约就初具今天的规模。
The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929. 纽约股票交易所于一九二九年大崩溃。
The New York stock exchange crashed in1929. 纽约股票交易所于一九二九年大崩溃。
The New York stock exchange is the world biggest stock market. 纽约证券交易所是世界上最大的股票市场。
The New York stock exchange was a non profit organization that was largely self supervising. 纽约证券交易所是一个非盈利机构,大体上都是自主管理。
The New Yorker's cartoonists, each in his or her own way, have seized on the business world and found laughter in its codes, clichés, rivalries, desperations, vanities, anxieties, and power relations. 《纽约客》的漫画家们以他们各自不同的方式抓住商界,从其规则、陈词滥调、互相争斗、铤而走险、虚荣、忧心忡忡,以及权力倾轧等现象之中找到笑料。
The New Zealand Standard of Classification of Occupations 1999 refers to a Major Group – Trades Workers. 新西兰职业分类法案(1999)设计了一个主要的群体--产业技术工人。
The New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands consist of five island groups (the Snares, Bounty Islands, Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands and Campbell Island) in the Southern Ocean south-east of New Zealand. 新西兰次南极区群岛包括了新西兰南部和东南部海域的五个岛屿(斯内斯群岛,邦提群岛,安提波德斯群岛,奥克兰群岛以及坎贝尔岛)。

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