Bipolar - Transistors that are able to use both holes and electrons as charge carriers.
双极晶体管-能够采用空穴和电子传导电荷的晶体管。 |
Bipolar cells are responsible of transmitting light signals from photoreceptors to ganglion cells in vertebrate retinas.
摘要:脊椎动物视网膜的双极细胞主要是将感光细胞的讯息传递至神经节细胞。 |
Birch S H,Ladd G W.Children's interpersonal behaviors and the teacher-child relationship,Developmental Psychology.1998(34):61-79.
辛浩力.小学生对教师课堂行为的知觉及与其心理发展的关系.北京师范大学硕士论文,1998年. |
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.
火焰里的桦树在描绘出女神所知道的事。 |
Birch, Eugenie L. (2002). Having a Longer View on Downtown Living.Journal of the American Planning Association 68 (2002): 1-27.
对都市生活较长远之观察〉,刊于《美国空间规划协会期刊》2002年第68期:第1~27页。 |
Bird - A colloquial expression used to refer to a communications satellite.
飞鸟-对通讯卫星的一种形象表述。 |
Bird 1: Yeah, let's try it!
小鸟1:好吧,让我们试试! |
Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it.
我们不得不排了好几个小时才进得场去。 |
Bird Street, which was once referred to Mong Kok Hong Lok Street, is now relocated to Yuen Po Strret Bird Garden.
园圃街雀鸟花园(俗称雀仔街),前身位于香港旺角康乐街,由于素来是雀鸟及雀鸟饲养用品店的集中地,因此被唤作为雀仔街。 |
Bird appears weak and/or unable to sit on a perch.
鸟儿看来很弱,甚至无力抓紧栖枝。 |
Bird asks whale and turtle if they have read the letter in the bottle; spider finds itself a structurally unstable net; at the bottom of the ladder is man-eater flower; cat is thinking of the fish while man is waiting for the black hope.
飞鸟问鲸鱼和乌龟是否曾看过瓶中的信;蜘蛛找了个结构不稳定的网;梯子的底端是食人花;猫想著鱼而人还在等待黑色的希望。 |