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Lost of people insist on eating with a knife who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Lost control of the skidding car; the leaders in control of the country. 打滑的汽车失去控制;管理国家的领导人们
Lost in the carefully planned cover up of my death? 精心掩盖了我的死亡真相就能够隐瞒?
Lost in the frenzied debate over nuclear bunker busters has been adequate discussion of whether the military advantages of these weapons can offset their political and diplomatic liabilities. 掩体爆破核弹的狂热争论者,对于这类武器带来的军事优势,是否可弥补政治与外交责任已经有过充份的讨论。
Lost in the strange city, poor Bill fell to crying. 由于在这座陌生的城市里走谜了路,可怜的贝尔哭了起来。
Lost money in the real estate bubble. 在做房地产投机买卖中亏了本
Lost of people insist on eating with a knife who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. 许多人,已经是口里带着银调羹生下来的了,还坚持要餐吃东西。
Lost possessions beyond retrieval. 无法挽回的失去物品
Lost the original, good picture of him, so I just whipped up something at the last minute. My March A submission for the Monthly Anime Exchange. 很可惜﹐原来的图片突然不见了﹐所以我在最后一刻制造出了这张。2003年三月上旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
Lost ticket A passenger having lost his or her ticket should write a loss report to the carrier or its sales agent with the attachment of the valid Identity card, the certificate of the date and place the ticket is issued, and any other means that can suf 客票遗失旅客遗失客票,应以书面形式,向承运人或其销售代理人申请挂失,并提供原购票的日期、地点、有效身份证件以及足以证实客票遗失的其他证明。
Lost time is never found again. 【谚】光阴一去不复返。
Lost update: one thread reads a record, a second thread updates the record, and then the first thread overwrites the second thread's update. 线程1读了一条记录,线程2更新了一条记录,接着线程1覆盖了线程2的更新。

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