The representation of the process of simplification of DFSM is researched, the disadvantage of the linear sequential representation are pointed out, the representation of the process of simplification of DFSM called simplification tree are given, which is
摘要文章讨论确定有限状态机(DFSM)简化过程的表示问题,指出传统的线性顺序法存在直观性差、层次不分明、难于理解的不足,提出简化树法,它具有直观、有效的特点。 |
The representative ballads in XingGuo, the music features, singing technique and taste the characteristic and aesthetic value of the folk songs singing technique will be discussed in the paper.
本文以民歌中具有代表性的江西兴国山歌为研究对象,从它的音乐特点、歌唱法及歌唱审美等层面进行研究,探讨兴国山歌唱方法上的特点和审美价值。 |
The representative called for a peaceful end to the dispute,but his effort didn't bring home the bacon.
这位代表呼吁和平解决争端,但是他的努力没有取得成功。 |
The representative dishes are: Longmen Beard Chicken, Nan Kun Hill Guanyin Dish, West Brook Bamboo Shoot, Xi Lin Bonito.
龙门胡须鸡、南昆山观音菜、西溪竹笋、西林鲣鱼是较有代表性的客家菜。 |
The representative enterprises in this field are LG Mazak Digital Control Machine, Nordex Wind Power Equipment Manufacturing, Kocel Steel Foundry, Shinri &Great Wall Machine Manufacturing, Yinchuan Grane Manufacturing, FAG Railway Bearing, etc.
代表企业有:小巨人数控机床、恩德风力发电设备制造、共享铸钢、新瑞长城机床、银川起重机、德国富安捷铁路轴承等。 |
The representative enterprises in this field are Orient Tantalum Industry, Shide Construction Material, Qinglong Pipeline, etc.
代表企业有:东方有色金属、实德新型建材、青龙管材等。 |
The representative from Papua New Guinea spoke for the Pacific Islands Forum.
巴布亚新几内亚代表在太平洋岛国论坛发表了演讲。 |
The representative of China further stated that FIEs located in SEZs or the Economic and Technical Development Zones of open coastal cities were entitled to a corporate income tax rate of 15 per cent (the normal income tax was 33 per cent).
中国代表进一步表示,经济特区或沿海开放城市的经济技术开发区中的外商投资企业享受15%的公司所得税税率(正常所得税为33%)。 |
The representative of China stated that China prohibited export of narcotic drugs, poisons, materials containing State secrets, precious and rare animals and plants.
中国代表表示,中国禁止出口麻醉品、毒品、含有国家秘密的资料及珍稀动植物。 |
The representative of Warwick vividly represented the British university education system, the long history of Warwick and many honorable subjects in Warwick, such as MBA, Business, Advanced Engineering, Computer Science &Economics, Biological Sciences, E
面对到会的众多家长和同学,华威大学校方代表给大家详细地介绍了英国高等教育概况,华威悠久的办学历史以及长久以来受到众多好评的优势学科,如MBA、商科、工程、经济学与计算机科学、生物科学、教育、电影研究、法律、政治学与国际研究。 |
The representative of a legal person or the natural person who instigates or encourages action of contravention shall be deemed a contravenor.
但法人之代表人或自然人对于违反之发生,已尽力为防止行为者,不在此限。法人之代表人或自然人教唆或纵容为违反之行为者,以行为人论。 |