Math quiz program for addition, subtraction, multiplication and revision of wrong answers.
这是一个数学猜谜程序,可用于加法,减法,乘法,并能修改错误答案。 |
Math tools for 14.03 (posted to class web site).
03的数学工具(放在班级的网站上)。 |
MathML describes an XML standard for describing mathematical notation.
数学标记语言定义了用于描述数学符号的XML标准。 |
Mathematic hypothesis is not only a science method of mathematic research and an important form of mathematic development, but also a presentation of science Deduction in mathematics.
数学猜想不仅是数学研究的一个科学方法和数学发展的一种重要形式,而且还是科学猜测这种潜科学基本形态在数学中的具体表现。 |
Mathematical Approach to Brand Equity Valuation Brand equity has been spoken about for years now.
近几年来,用数学方法评估品牌资产已为人们所熟悉。 |
Mathematical Model for temperature distribution calculation during wheel quench heating process is established and used in the simulation of a certain type wheel.
摘要根据马钢车轮淬火加热炉的实际状况,建立了车轮淬火加热过程温度场计算模型。 |
Mathematical culture is in the new mathematics curriculum standard as a new and independent plate.
摘要在数学新课程标准中,数学文化作为新增加的一个独立板块被明确提出。 |
Mathematical laws are universal and have remained unchanged since the beginning of time. Euclid, Euler and all the others discovered and put into words things that were already there.
数学法则,从古至今,放之四海而皆准,亘古不变。欧几里德、欧拉,以及其他数学家们,只不过是发现了这些规律,加以文字表述而已。 |
Mathematical laws govern the universe.
数学规律统治着整个宇宙。 |
Mathematical models help biologists by isolating certain variables, predicting outcomes of future experiments, or inferring relationships that can't be measured.
数学模型有助生物学家将某些变因隔离出来、预测未来实验的结果,或推论无法测量的种种关系。 |
Mathematical morphology linking iteration threshold segmentation method was adopted to extract defect in order to eliminate the effect of noise.
为排除噪声干扰的影响,采用数学形态学和迭代阈值分割相结合的方法从原始图像中提取缺陷区域。 |