The former Italian Prime Minister is a massive fan of the Samba star and its conceivable that the two men discussed a possible future switch.
这位意大利前政府总理是这位桑巴球星的忠实球迷,可以想像得到,两人一定就未来转会的可能性有过探讨。 |
The former KGB spy is a regular guest at lavish demonstrations of his country's military might.
这位曾经在前苏联时期为克格勃效力的现任总统是俄罗斯大规模军事演习的常客。 |
The former Ku Klux Klansman member has taken part in abducting two black teenager hitch–hikers, tying them to a tree and beating them.
这位前3K党成员参与了绑架两名搭便车旅行的#黑人少年,并把他们捆在树上毒打。 |
The former Lazio boss has already snapped up Rolando Bianchi and Valeri Bojinov, while he had bids for Juventus defender Giorgio Chiellini and Palermo midfielder Mark Bresciano turned down.
这位前拉齐奥主帅已经签下了罗兰多·比安奇和瓦勒里·博伊诺夫,同时他又在引进尤文后卫吉奥格里奥·切里尼和巴勒莫中场马克·布雷西亚诺。 |
The former Lazio player has already missed two games, against Verona and Bologna, and will be ruled out Friday's tie against Arezzo.
这名前拉齐奥球员已经错过与维罗纳和博洛尼亚的2场比赛,在星期五与阿雷佐一战将继续缺席. |
The former Liverpool and Real Madrid man has looked extremely sharp in training this week and is all set to play against Belarus for England B on Thursday at Reading to improve his match-sharpness.
前利物浦和皇马球员看起来在本周的训练中状态出色,周四在雷丁为英格兰二队和拜拉鲁斯比赛增进了他的比赛状态。 |
The former Messina captain only signed for Genoa earlier this summer, but their relegation to Serie C1 over match-rigging claims has the wing-back desperately searching for an escape route back to the top-flight.
这名前梅西纳的队长在这个夏天的早些时候刚刚和热那亚签署了合同,在他们因为打假球而被驱逐到丙1联赛以后,这名边后卫球员强烈地要求寻找到一条能够重返顶级联赛的道路。 |
The former Middlesbrough manager hopes to shake off the hangover from his first defeat by meeting his players in a series of feedback meetings - something that his predecessor Sven-Goran Eriksson did not do in person.
这位前任米德尔斯堡教练希望通过与一系列反馈会来摆脱自首次输球开始的坏运气——他的前任阿里克松并未亲自做这些事。 |
The former Middlesbrough manager is believed to have invited one-time England head coach Terry Venables to join him in a senior role, and would also appear to want former captain Shearer, 35, in the dug-out as well.
麦克拉伦现在在德国世界杯上给埃里克松当助理教练,也是为了能在8月1日前接手英格兰队之后能尽快得缩短重组后新队伍的磨合时间。 |
The former Monaco man has netted just nine goals in Serie B so far this term and is currently in the middle of a three-match ban.
前摩纳哥球星到目前为止在乙级仅仅只收获9个进球,而现在还处于三场禁赛期. |
The former Premiere is an acknowledged farseeing politician.
前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。 |