Headmistress Jane Obinchu told the DailyNation the school first thought Kimani Murage's interest was a joke. So we told him to come this year in first term; then we could see about it①. |
中文意思: 该校的女校长简·奥宾楚对《全国日报》的记者说,学校一开始以为穆拉盖想上学是开玩笑,于是我们就对他说今年的第一学期来吧;之后我们想看情况再说了。 |
Headlight dangling due to plastic snapping. Because part was not replaced properly.
由于更换部件时搞坏了塑料卡头,大灯有点摇晃。 |
Headlines are written in large print.
标题是用大号字体印刷的。 |
Headlining beside one of the world's largest squares, Esfahan's Emam Mosque is a tiled wonder.
在伊斯法罕世界上最大的广场之一的旁边,巍然耸立着伊玛目清真寺。这是一处磁砖搭建的胜景。 |
Headmaster Dumbledore reminded staff that Hogwarts' owls are to be used for official purposes only. Staff were reminded to use their own owls for all personal correspondence.
邓布利多校长提醒所有教职员工,霍格沃茨的猫头鹰只能为官方所用。员工们被告知,处理私人信件要使用他们自己的猫头鹰。 |
Headmaster Liao Wensheng visited Korea for research.
廖文胜校长赴韩国访问考察。 |
Headmistress Jane Obinchu told the DailyNation the school first thought Kimani Murage's interest was a joke. So we told him to come this year in first term; then we could see about it①.
该校的女校长简·奥宾楚对《全国日报》的记者说,学校一开始以为穆拉盖想上学是开玩笑,于是我们就对他说今年的第一学期来吧;之后我们想看情况再说了。 |
Headquarter located at Hsinchu, Anachip has the corporate, engineering and testing facilities.
易亨电子总部位于台湾新竹科学园区,在园区内亦设有营运与测试的厂区。 |
Headquartered in Beijing, it will gradually expand throughout the country with the aim to underwrite both personal lines and commercial risks through an extensive network of branch offices.
总部设在北京,公司将陆续在国内主要地区开设分支机构,以获得必要的销售和服务网络。 |
Headquartered in Los Angeles,CB Richard Ellis has approximately 19,500* employess in over 356* offices, reaching across 58* countries.
世邦魏理仕总部位于美国洛杉矶,在全球58个国家设有356多家办事机构,员工人数约为19,500。 |
Headquartered in Milwaukee , Wis. , U.S.A. , the company employs about 21,000 people serving customers in more than 80 countries.
公司总部位于美国威斯康星州密尔沃基市,公司雇员大约2万1千人,业务遍及全球超过80个国家。 |
Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., the company employs about 23,000 people serving customers in more than 80 countries.
公司总部位于美国威斯康星州密尔沃基市,公司雇员大约2万3千人,业务遍及全球超过80个国家。 |