US passenger carriers were expected to snap up the opportunity to fly to, or add routes to, China because international routes were more lucrative than domestic ones.
预计美国的客运航空公司会抓住这一机会,开辟飞往中国的航线,或者增加新的航线,因为国际航线比国内航线更加有利可图。 |
US population hits 300 million, but is it sustainable?
美国人口将突破3亿,它养得起么? |
US researchers say decorated needles help calm patients fears.
美研究人员指出装饰过的针筒抚平病患的畏惧。 |
US retailers can help Chinese consumers get better goods and services at lower prices, just as they do for families at home.
美国零售商可以帮助中国消费者以更低的价格,获得更好的产品和服务,就像它们为本国家庭所做的那样。 |
US scientists have cracked the entire genetic code of breast and colon cancers, offering new treatment hopes.
美国约翰·霍普金斯大学基莫尔癌症中心的研究人员,他们已经成功破译了乳腺癌和肠癌的全部基因密码。 |
US scientists want to change the current system, which keeps clocks in synch with solar time by adding a leap second every 18 months or so.
美国科学家希望改变现行系统,亦即透过每隔约18个月添增1闰秒,让时钟与太阳时保持一致。 |
US short rates are above eurozone levels already and the gap is set to widen this year.
美国短期利率已高于欧元区的水平,两者之间的差距今年有望扩大。 |
US states and cities will continue to compete vigorously for foreign investments (see OADB, February 2, 2006, V.).
美国的州政府和地方政府将一如既往的积极争取外商投资。 |
US treasury yields have again approached 4.5%, some 75 basis points below the cash rate, and at this level bond yields are unattractive.
美国国债收益率再度达到4.5%,比现金利率低大约75个基点,这个水平的债券收益率毫无吸引力。 |
US$ 56 m in Broadband enhancements, part of Broadband Bahrain initiative .
美元在56米宽的加强,部分宽带巴林主动权. |
US$3,000, donation from Red Hat for CWMC 2006, obtained by Jimbo in lieu of his honorarium for speaking at another conference; rounded down to the nearest HK$1,000.
吉米以另场会议的个人讲费换取红帽公司对中文年会赞助;退位至最近的1000港元。 |