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In the recognition and support of the government, apiculture had a great development in China in recent years.This paper described the advances of apicultural research in China in detail.

In the recent years, network Information Policy worldwide present development trends as follows: Paying attention to form integrated network information policy system; the intersupplement of network information policy and network information law being emp 在国际範围内,网络信息政策近年来呈现出以下发展趋势:重视形成完整的网络信息政策体系;强调网络信息政策与网络信息法律的互补;重视从本国国情出发制定网络信息政策;鼓励互联网业的公平竞争;从国家安全高度认识和保障网络信息安全;网络信息政策与法律方面的国际合作与协调不断强化;重视网络信息政策的理论研究。
In the recently closed “2005 Credible HR Service Organizations” cum “2005-2006 Top Ten Best Talents Dispatch Organizations” reward ceremony, Shanghai FASCO outdid many other competitors and was rewarded with the HR Service Honor. 在前不久召开的“2005年信得过人才服务机构”暨“2005-2006年度我心目中的十佳人才派遣机构”评选颁奖典礼上,上海外航服务公司在众多同类行业竞争者中脱颖而出,获得了行业服务奖的荣誉。
In the recession, our firm went through a bad time. 我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。
In the recipe, it says that I must use two eggs. 这个食谱上说我必须用两个鸡蛋。
In the recirculating condition, it influences the operation of emergency reactor core cooling system and spray system in containment. 本文对滤网结构进行在自重和接管载荷下的静态分析、模态分析和地震谱分析。
In the recognition and support of the government, apiculture had a great development in China in recent years.This paper described the advances of apicultural research in China in detail. 近年来,随着国家对蜂业的重视和支持,中国养蜂学研究工作取得长足发展。
In the recurring pattern of the canter, the left foot (and shoulder) always reaches farther ahead than the right when on the left lead. (This may appear as though t., he left foreleg has started the pattern of the canter. 在慢跑状态下的马蹄印不端依次循环,当向左侧前进时,马的左侧前腿(和肩膀)总是比右侧伸展的更靠前。
In the reflected wave, the reflectivity of forbidden band lowers quickly with the extinction coefficient increment, when the extinction coefficient increases to 0.05, there is already no obvious photonic bandgap. 得出:在反射波中,禁带的反射率随消光系数的增加而迅速降低,当消光系数增加到0.05时,已经不存在明显的能带。
In the regional literatures of library include great numbers of contents about the cultural development of any nations and any regions, and record about local conditions and customs. 图书馆地方文献中包含了大量各地区各民族文化发展方面的内容,记载有各民族的风土人情。
In the registered capital of an equity joint venture, the proportion of the investment contributed by the foreign parties shall in general not be less than 25 percent. 在合营企业的注册资本中,外国合营者的投资比例一般不低于百分之二十五。
In the regression model, the annual population growth rate, the enrollment ratio of secondary education, and the annual economic growth rate along with the per capital income, the GDP ratio of educational expenditure, and the per student cost of higher ed 研究中运用人口成长率、中等教育在学率、国民所得、经济成长率、教育经费占国民生产毛额比率、高等教育单位学生成本来暸解影响高等教育在学率的因素。

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