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Next along to sample our mince pies and (who knows?) perhaps a companionable glass of mulled wine and a slice of chocolate log: Arsenal.

Next Saturday we will pay a visit to the Windows of the World. 下星期六我们要参观世界之窗。
Next Tuesday is his birthday. 下周二是他的生日。
Next Wednesday is a holiday. 下星期三是假日。
Next a pair of feet was seen in the distance. 接着,他们看见远处有一双脚。
Next after the Boar shall come the Ram of the Castle of Venus, with golden horns and a beard of silver. 野猪的下一步会进入维纳斯城堡的公羊里,拥有金色的角和银色的胡须。
Next along to sample our mince pies and (who knows?) perhaps a companionable glass of mulled wine and a slice of chocolate log: Arsenal. 下一个有幸来品尝我们的碎肉馅饼(也许还会配上一杯细细研磨的红酒和一条巧克力)的客队球迷,是阿森纳的支持者。
Next arose Madison Washington, that bright star of freedom, and took his station in the constellation of true heroism. 还有麦迪逊.华盛顿,那颗自由的明星,在真正英雄主义的星座上占有一席之地。
Next came Cuba, Burma, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Nepal. 接下来是古巴、缅甸、中国、伊朗、沙特阿拉伯,埃塞俄比亚以及尼泊尔。
Next came The Mask, a role that seemed tailor-made for him and was a hit with audiences. 接下来是《面具》,这象是一个专为他定做的角色,观众反响强烈。
Next click the numbers as shown below. 接下来点击那些号码。
Next come facts that constrain these sets and relations. 接著是限制这些集合与关系的一些事实。

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