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Instead, a custom Facing Ratio is computed using a Vector Product Utility node in the shading network.

Instead, Snape wants to know the plan so that he can tip off Dumbledore if necessary. 而取而代之的则是,斯内普想知道他的计划就可以在必要的情况下及时警告邓不利多。
Instead, Sohu is tapping a loophole, through which the 300 employees granted work licenses by the Beijing committee to run the official Web site inside Olympics venues will also feed content to Sohu.com. 但搜狐这一次找到了突破口:通过获得北京奥组委批准在比赛现场为奥运官方网站服务的旗下300名员工,它可以将比赛内容刊登在其网站上。
Instead, United want to give Mourinho and his players food for thought. 曼联要让穆利尼奥和他的人一辈子也忘不了这场球。
Instead, Washington's ideological hubris and practical incompetence have succeeded only in setting the region ablaze, awakening extremist and militant voices. 相反,华盛顿的傲慢及办事不力不仅使该地区燃起战火,还唤醒了极端主义和好战分子的势力。
Instead, Williams said, he would maintain a waiting game of sorts by staying home, staying in shape, spurning offers of guaranteed contracts from other teams and waiting for the Yankees to change their minds and offer him a guaranteed spot on the roster. 威廉斯说他将会留在家里等待,并保持备战状态,拒绝其他球队的价码,等待洋基队改变他们的心意,并给他在正式名单中合适的价码。
Instead, a custom Facing Ratio is computed using a Vector Product Utility node in the shading network. 相反地,一个特定的分形比率是在材质网络里使用一个积向量功能节点来计算的。
Instead, a dog has to pant to keep cool. 一只狗必须通过气喘来保持凉块。
Instead, a driver subroutine executes in the context of whatever thread happens to be currently active at the time the system decides to call that subroutine. 而是,一个驱动程序执行于上下文关联:在系统决定调用那个子程序的时候,任何发生在当时动作的线程。
Instead, a new bill that the Justice Ministry has drafted refers simply to persons who sell sex persistently -- defined as twice or more in three months. 取而代之的,司法部门起草使用的新的用于是性工作者--这些性工作者被定义为每三个月卖淫2次以上的女性。
Instead, a person should tell the actor to break a legbecause by wishing for a bad thing, good luck will come. 相反,应该祝他摔断腿,因为当你企求坏的事情时,好运就会降临。
Instead, a typical lunch comprised a bowl of tepid reconstituted powdered milk (Japan relied on food aid from America), over-boiled unidentifiable ingredients (often whale meat for its cheapness) and a white bread roll (also thanks to the US). 相反,一份典型的学校午餐包括一碗微温的还原奶粉(当时日本依赖美国的食品援助)、煮得无法辨认的原料(由于价格便宜,通常是鲸鱼肉)和一份白面包卷(也要感谢美国)。

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