He was a very unpleasant person-he would always use his friend Peter as the fall guy if things went wrong.
他这人很可恶,出了岔子总是拿他的朋友彼得当替罪羊。 |
He was a very, very honest witness.
一个诚实的证人。 |
He was a victim of the second world war.
他是第二次世界大战的受害者。 |
He was a visiting teacher for the education departments at Harvard University and University of California, Berkeley.
他还成为哈佛大学教育系和伯克利加州大学的访问教员(相当于客座教授——译者注)。 |
He was a voracious reader of the translations of Eastern religious works.
他如饥似渴地阅读东方宗教著作的译本。 |
He was a votary of golf.
他是高尔夫球忠实信徒。 |
He was a warrior, not a wizard.
他是个战士,而不是法师。 |
He was a whipping boy in this accident and he was done for.
他是这次事故中的替罪羊,他完蛋了. |
He was a winner both times, defeating New York on April 22 and 27 despite not being notably overpowering.
这两场他都获得胜利,即便没有相当优异的表现,他仍然在4月22、27拿下两胜。 |
He was a wonderful character.
霍华德说:“这是澳大利亚的巨大损失。 |
He was a wooden-faced individual, extremely taciturn, and his contributions to the conversation were mostly monosyllables.
他有一张非常独特的木纳的脸,极其的沉默,他说话时吐出来的总是一个一个的单音节。 |