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I knew it -- it was the odor which always comes before a thunderstorm.

I knew he was strong, but it was quite an eye-opener when I saw him lift that car. 我知道他很强壮,不过当我看到他把那汽车抬起来时,这相当令人大开眼界。
I knew he wasn't trustworthy the minute I set eyes on him! 我第一眼就看出他不是一个值得信赖的人!
I knew if I kept at it I should succeed. 我知道如果我坚持下去就会成功。
I knew if I stood and stared at Rambo for a second he'd help himself to a chunk of my leg. 我知道如果我站在那儿盯着那狗多看一秒的话,他肯定会从我的腿上咬下一大块。
I knew in England experienced teachers of English to speakers of Asian languages belonging (as do the languages of Europe) to the Indo-European language family. 我在英国认识一些经验丰富的英语教师,他们专教(十分接近欧洲语系的)印欧语系的亚裔学生。
I knew it -- it was the odor which always comes before a thunderstorm. 我知道--这是每每雷暴大雨来临前的味道。
I knew it was going to be spectacular, and I didn't want to miss it. 我几乎花了三个月来获得拍照的许可,我知道这是一幅奇观,我不想错过它。
I knew it was only a matter of time before they got divorced because they were always arguing like hammer and tongs. 在他们离婚前,我就知道离婚只不过时间的问题,因为他们老是争吵不休。
I knew it would turn out to be one of those days when I overslept . 我明白,如果我睡过头,那结果会是很不妙的。
I knew it would turn out to be one of those days when I overslept. 我明白,如果我睡过头,那结果会是很不妙的。
I knew it wouldn't be the same. 我知道过去的一切已经一去不返了。

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