They were so confident going into the final that two days before, they decided to go up to the University of Tennessee and party with some friends.
他们对期末考自信满满,考前两天还跑去田纳西大学和朋友聚会。 |
They were so deeply absorbed in watching the show on television that they found it hard to pull away.
他们聚精会神地看着电视里的表演,舍不得离开。 |
They were so far away that I couldn't make out their faces clearly.
他们离得那么远,我没法把他们的脸辨认清楚。 |
They were so important that people sometimes kept letter books, large bound volumes used to hold copies of the letters they both received and wrote.
有些重要到人们会把它编列成册、按时间排序,由写信寄信双方相互留下复本,收藏和保存。 |
They were so pressing that I couldn't refuse.
他们再三恳求,我无法拒绝。 |
They were so proud of their business that they put an old stump in front of their gate.
他们很为自己的生意骄傲,所以他们在门前放了一个树桩。 |
They were so tired from their ordeal, we put them in the reactor.
他们历经磨难太劳累了,我们把他们放在了反应器里恢复。 |
They were so very different in every respect: in their physical appearance, including a long pigtailat the back of their otherwise shaved heads; in the strange, non-Western clothes they wore; in their speech (few had learned English since they planned to
他们在每一个方面都与其他民族不同:他们的外表,包括在他们刮光了前半部的脑袋后面的一根长长的辫子;他们穿的迥然不同于西方人的衣服;他们的语言(因为原本打算完工后回国,所以很少有人学习英语);还有他们的信仰。 |
They were some of the estimated 30,000 Argentines who became known as the disappeared, killed by the ruthless military government that held power between 1976 and 1983.
那些被政府情治干员带走的孩子,多半是青少年及年轻人,他们被关在非法拘禁中心,但他们被捕没有留下纪录,他们当中很多人从此不见人影。 |
They were sorely needed because the work was so strenuous and dangerous, and it was carried on in such a remote part of the country that the railroad company could not find other laborers for the job.
由于这项工作艰辛而危险,并且是在这个国家如此偏远的地区进行,以致于铁路公司找不到修建铁路的其他劳力,因而非常需要这批人。 |
They were splashing about in the surf.
他们在拍岸的浪花中戏水。 |