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Beginning in August 1954 , screw-worms reared and sterilized in an Agriculture Department laboratory in Florida were flown to Curacao and released from airplanes at the rate of about 400 per square mile per week.

Beginning from domain names used in network, the system, working principle and characteristics of dynamic domain names were introduced, showing its promising use in the future. 摘要从网络中使用的域名系统入手,介绍了动态域名系统及原理和特征,从而展示了其广泛的应用前景。
Beginning from the connotation and extension of water zoology safety, and on the basis of analyzing the problems of water zoology safety during the urbanization process, this paper expatiates that the construction of zoology, especially the water zoology, 本文从水生态安全的内涵和外延入手,在剖析城市化进程中水生态安全问题的基础上,阐述了在我国城市化进程中,必须把生态建设,特别是水生态建设作为“可持续发展”的重点,坚持“人水相亲、自然和谐”的水生态安全理念,以水生态安全与水资源的可持续利用保障与促进城市乃至整个国家的可持续发展。
Beginning from the starting point, the path always targets at the terminal point as possibly as it can. 自起点开始,路径的方向始终尽量指向终点。
Beginning from the subject of higher education cost sharing, this article studies the theory of higher education cost sharing and analyzes the obligations of higher school in the cost sharing and how to keep the social benefits of higher education. 摘要从高等教育成本分担主体的角度对高等教育的成本分担理论进行研究,分析高校在成本分担中义务,以及如何维护和实现高等教育的公益性。
Beginning from the thermodynamics condition in the arc furnace and ladle, the anticipated goal was achieved by improving smelt process. 从炼钢炉内和钢包内脱磷热力学条件入不敷出手,对该公司的炼钢现状进行了工艺改进,达到了预期的目的。
Beginning in August 1954 , screw-worms reared and sterilized in an Agriculture Department laboratory in Florida were flown to Curacao and released from airplanes at the rate of about 400 per square mile per week. 为此目的,经与荷兰政府接洽,他来到加勒比海上的库拉索岛,该岛和大陆之间相隔至少50英里宽的海面。
Beginning in Grade One students are expected to have homework completed on a due date. 一年级开始时,学生可以在指定时间完成家庭作业。
Beginning in July 1998, Vicky and Pinky spent 922 days cycling through 32 nations, in all five continents. 从1998年7月开始,林姬莹和江秋萍花了922天,骑自行车穿过五大洲的32个国家。
Beginning in July 2003, blood lactate measurements were performed serially for 24 h after heart surgery. 以评估乳酸指导性治疗是否能改善心脏术后患者的预后。
Beginning in July 2006, the new center at Chulalongkorn University will pilot the Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies program, a special three-month course in peace studies, conflict resolution and mediation training aimed at middle and upper-level managers 预定在2006年7月在朱拉隆冈大学的新研究中心来实验扶轮和平与冲突研究计划,一个为期三个月的和平研究的特别课程,解决冲突及调解训练,这些计划之受训对象涵盖在政府部门、非政府组织及民间公司中、高级阶层之经理人物。
Beginning in May 1981, when Francois Mitterrand defeated the rightist alliance which had ruled France for 23 years to become the first-ever leftist President since the establishment of the 5th Republic -- and after which he was twice reelected to that off 自从1981年5月密特朗击败了执政长达廿三年的右派联盟,成为法国第五共和成立以来第一位左派总统,并连任两届,他改写了许多法国政治史上的纪录,更开创了许多出人意表的先例。

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