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Results:Postoperatively,shallow anterior chamber occurs in % of cases,edema of corneal endothelium in %,iritis in 0 7%,disformed pupil in %,and disruption of posterior lens capsule in 8 %. No other complications were found.
果 :术后浅前房占 % ,角膜内皮水肿占 % ,虹膜炎占 0 7% ,瞳孔不圆占 % ,后囊破裂者占8 % ,无其它并发症。

Results:Microscopically,All cases had typical storiform structure,of which,fibrosarcoma areas were found in cases,myxoid areas in cases, pigments in the tumours in cases and desmoid area in case. 果: 例DFSP的组织形态均有经典的车辐状或席纹状结构,其中例伴有纤维肉瘤区域、 例伴有黏液样区域、例瘤细胞含有黑色素、例可见肌样结节和肌样束。
Results:No hematemesis or melena was observed in rabeprazole group,and one patient had melena in famotidine group,the prevalence rate was0%. 果:雷贝拉唑组患者无呕血和黑粪出现,法莫替丁组有例患者出现黑粪,发生率为0%。
Results:Of the 7 cases of ML,0 cases(80%)of them were diagnosed clearly,0 cases( . %)were considered as ML,and cases(7%)were diagnosed falsely. 果 :ML 7例 ,其中确诊 0例(80 % ) ,拟诊 0例 ( . % ) ,误诊 例 (7% )。
Results:Plasma ET,TXB and ketoPGF α in patients with azotemia were 8±9 8ng/L,0 8±9 ng/L,and ± 0 7ng/L,and in patients with uremia were 0± ng/L, 7 ±8 ng/L,and ± ng/L,respectively. 果:氮质血症组血浆ET为. 8±9.8ng/L,TXB为0.8±9.ng/L,ketoPGFα为 .± 0.7ng/L;
Results:Plumbous drapes,pensile lead glass screen,exposure suit and distance protection can obviously reduce the dose of X-ray radiation exposure. X射线辐射剂量与透视和数字减影血管造影时间呈正相关,随着透视和减影造影时间的增加,医务人员和患者所接受的X射线辐射剂量明显增加。
Results:Postoperatively,shallow anterior chamber occurs in % of cases,edema of corneal endothelium in %,iritis in 0 7%,disformed pupil in %,and disruption of posterior lens capsule in 8 %. No other complications were found. 果 :术后浅前房占 % ,角膜内皮水肿占 % ,虹膜炎占 0 7% ,瞳孔不圆占 % ,后囊破裂者占8 % ,无其它并发症。
Results:Sensitivity,specificity and accuracy of bicycle exercise test for diagnosing CHD were 7 .%(0/8),8.9%(8/8) and 78.7%(8/0),respectively. 果:心电图踏车运动试验诊断冠心病的敏感性7 .%(0/8),特异性8.9%(8/8),准确性78.7%(8/0)。
Results:Serosa of most cases was not involved and9.8%( /0)of cases were early gastric cancer. 果:淋巴结转移阴性胃癌浸润深度较浅,其中近9.8%为早期胃癌( /0)。
Results:Serum HBV-DNA positive rates of the patients with HBsAg,HBeAg and HBc Ab triplex positive was 00% (9/9),the DNA detective values were that from .8×0 to .8×0 8copy/ml. 果 :经荧光定量PCR检测 9例HBsAg、HBeAg、HBcAb均阳性的标本 ,其血清HBV -DNA全部阳性 ,DNA测值范围 .8× 0 ~ .8× 0 8copy/ml;
Results:Sleep disorder were seen in 8 (9%) PD patients; these were:excessive day time sleepiness in 7.9%,insomnia in .%,nightmares in 8. %,sleep fragmentation in 8. %,waking early in 0.0% and hallucination in 8.8%of PD patients. 果:0例PD患者中8例(9%)发生睡眠障碍,其中白天过度困倦7·9%,失眠·%,多恶梦8· %,睡眠破碎8· %,早醒0·0%,幻觉8·8%。
Results:Stones or the fragments larger than mm went up to pelvis or kidney in cases, of them were treated by mini-percutaneous nephro lithotripsy and the rest received double J tube and ESWL. 果:上段结石整体或大于 mm的结石碎块移入肾盂肾盏例,其中例行微创经皮肾穿刺肾镜下激光碎石治愈,9例留置双J管后经ESWL治疗痊愈。

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