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The Lockup Clutch Control of Hydraulic Torque Converter Based on Operational Parameters

The Literary Mission in the Age of Human Sapiens 人类纪的文学使命:修补精神圈
The Little Sea Maid written by Andersen succeeded and developed the famous work Undine by Fouqu, a German romantic writer, which came out years earlier than the former and influenced the later generations just as deeply as the former. 作者发现安徒生童话《海的女儿》直接传承于德国浪漫主义作家富凯的名作《温婷娜》、尽管先于它 年的《温婷娜》对后世同样影响深远。
The Localism of Architecture and the City 建筑与城市的本土观
The Locally Strong Nilpotent Radical and Quasi Locally Strong Nilpotent Radical of Γ-ring Γ-环的强Levitzki根与拟强Levitzki根
The Locally Strong Nilpotent Radical and Quasi Locally Strong Nilpotent Radical of Г-ring Г-环的强Levitzki根与拟强Levitzki根
The Lockup Clutch Control of Hydraulic Torque Converter Based on Operational Parameters 基于运行参数的液力变矩器锁止离合器控制
The Logistic Program of Costal Oil 沿海石油物流方案设计
The Long March of Clinical Medicine Pyramid and Grounding to Clamber Up 临床医学金字塔上的长征及基础攀登
The Long-term Outcome of Acetabulum Development Following Improved Colonna Operation 改良Colonna手术后髋臼发育的远期变化
The Lower Leyer Structure and Its Evolution of Typhoon On Land and Its Surroundings 台风登陆后低层周围温、压、湿场的结构及其演变
The Lumbocaudal Nerve of the Finless Porpoise 江豚腰尾神经的解剖学研究

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