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A South African zoo wants a chimpanzee to quit smoking cold turkey.

A So, you are from Los Angeles? 那么,你是洛杉矶人了?
A Somali official says a senior Al Qaeda suspect has been killed in a US air strike. 一位索马里官员表示,一个基地组织高级嫌疑犯在美军的空袭中死亡。
A Somewhere different. Let's check out some of the bars around Haidan. 某个与众不同的地方。咱们到后海一带的酒吧转转。
A South African became the world's fastest blind driver Thursday after driving across a remote airstrip at 269 kph (167 mph). 9月8日,南非的一名盲人成为了世界上驾车速度最快的盲人司机。他在该国一条位置偏远的飞机跑道上的驾驶速度达到了每小时269公里。
A South African woman was killed by hundreds of thousands of enraged bees after her vehicle hit an electricity substation that contained their hive, an emergency services group said on Tuesday. 南非一家提供急救服务的私人机构11月8日称,上百万只“怒不可遏”的蜜蜂7日将该国一名妇女活活蜇死,原因是这名妇女在驾车行驶时不慎撞上了一个变电站,而它们的蜂巢恰好就“坐落”在那里。
A South African zoo wants a chimpanzee to quit smoking cold turkey. 南非一家动物园要一只黑猩猩立即戒菸。
A South Korean government delegation was in the Afghan capital Kabul holding talks with government officials. 一组韩国政府代表团已将阿富汗首都喀布尔与阿富汗政府协商.
A South Korean man who played computer games for 50 hours almost non-stop died of heart failure minutes after finishing his mammoth session in an Internet cafe, authorities said Tuesday. 日前,在韩国大丘市的一家网吧,一名男子在连续50个小时几乎不间断地玩电脑游戏后,终因过渡疲劳心力衰竭而死。
A Southern California oceanfront home would break a record if sold for its $75 million listing price, an analyst with the National Association of Realtors said Tuesday. 美国房地产业协会的一位分析家5月17日表示,如果位于美国南加利福尼亚海滨地带的一所豪宅能以高达7500万美元的要价顺利出售的话,那么它将打破此前的美国单所房屋的销售纪录。
A Southern drawl. 南方人拉长调子的话音
A Soviet crash program to catch up with the West in designing powerful new computers is beginning to pay off, but the Russians still lag far behind, according to industry reports. 根据电脑业报导,苏联为了在设计强力新型电脑上赶上西方所实行的紧急计划,已开始收效,可是俄国人仍远远落后。

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