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Objective To report a Chinese Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) family whose proband had abnormal brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and to study its relationship with connexin (Cx ) gene mutation.
目的 报告一个脑干听觉诱发电位有异常改变的腓骨肌萎缩症 (Charcot- Marie- Tooth dis-ease,CMT)家系 ,并探讨与连接蛋白 (connexin ,Cx )基因突变的关系。

Objective To investigate the time, location and relationship to clinical manifestation of abnormal expression of tyrosine hydroxylase(TH) in the cerebellum of Niemann\|Pick type C disease (NPC). 目的 探讨C型尼曼 匹克病 (NPC)小脑中酪氨酸羟化酶 (TH)异常表达的时间、部位及其与临床表现的关系。
Objective To observe the clinical characteristics of patients with macular branch retinal vein occlusion (MBRVO) and the changes of the area of foveal avascular zone (FAZ). 目的 观察视网膜黄斑分支静脉阻塞 (macular branch retinal vein occlusion,MBRVO)眼的临床特点以及黄斑中心凹无血管区 (foveal avascular zone,FAZ)面积的改变。
Objective To observe the effect of epidemic growth factor (EGF) combining with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on wound healing of the penetrative keratic autoplasy in rabbits. 目的 研究表皮细胞生长因子 (EGF)和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF)点眼对兔自体穿透性角膜移植 (PKP)伤口愈合的影响。
Objective To observe the effects of achemically synthesized tetrose and anatural yeast mannan on mouse melanoma experimental liver metastasis. 观察自行设计并化学合成的四糖及天然存在的酵母甘露聚糖对小鼠黑色素瘤实验性肝转移的影响。
Objective To prevent lower eyelid pouches and ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty. 目的 预防下睑袋整形术后睑外翻和下睑凹陷等并发症。
Objective To report a Chinese Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) family whose proband had abnormal brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and to study its relationship with connexin (Cx ) gene mutation. 目的 报告一个脑干听觉诱发电位有异常改变的腓骨肌萎缩症 (Charcot- Marie- Tooth dis-ease,CMT)家系 ,并探讨与连接蛋白 (connexin ,Cx )基因突变的关系。
Objective To research the plasma Leptin relation among normal subjects, obsess patients and patients of diabetes mellitus. 目的 探讨非肥胖正常人与肥胖患者及糖尿病患者血浆Leptin(瘦素 )的关系。
Objective To reveal the stress distribution of the fixed bridge supported by tooth and implant for different pontic length. 目的 :揭示天然牙—种植体联合桥在桥体长度不同时种植体、天然牙的应力分布规律 ,为临床提供理论依据。
Objective To search parkin gene deletion mutations at exons to in Chinese patients with praecox Parkinson's disease (PPD) and analyze them together with the clinical features of PPD. 目的 探讨中国人早发性帕金森病 (praecox Parkinson disease,PPD)中 parkin基因第 ~ 外显子是否存在突变 ,及其与该病临床特点的关系。
Objective To study the interface between bone and bonecement bonds after washing out or not, the marrow cavity with high pressure and pulsing squirt gun and brush(marrow cavity debridement), to measure the power of interface and compare the results. 目的 研究骨髓腔分别用高压脉冲水枪冲洗、髓腔刷洗 (骨髓腔清创 ,简称“冲刷”)处理及不做处理后 ,骨水泥与骨界面及其结合情况 ,进行界面力学测定 ,对结果作比较。
Objective To study the clinical efficacy of lipido sterolic extract of Serenoa repens (Permixon) for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 目的 观察伯泌松治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH) 的有效性与安全性。

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