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Climate change may have cost the world over $60 billion in 2003, triggering a [color=Red][b]spate[/b][/color] of natural disasters from a deadly heat wave in Europe to massive flooding in China.

Climate affects the growth of plants. 气候对植物的生长有影响.
Climate change is a real problem and the only way to tackle it is to reduce the gap between the price of fossil-fuel energy and alternative energy. 气候变化确实是个问题,阻止它的唯一方法就是减少化石燃料与可替代性燃料之间的差价。
Climate change is an opportunity to unite. The age of competition is of the past; the age of cooperation is dawning! 竞争的时代成为过去,合作的时代已经到来!团结起来,应对气候变化。
Climate change is happening, and it is big. So they descended on The Hague for a conference billed as a last-ditch effort to combat global warming. 全球的气候变化正在改变当中,而且是大的改变。因此这些机构或政府才参加了这个在海牙举办的被标榜为人类同全球变暖问题间的‘大战前最后的努力‘。
Climate change is real, and fossil fuels are the principal cause. Why China should shift to small-scale power generation from renewable sources. 气候变化已经是一个不争的事实,化石燃料使用是其中的主要原因。中国需大力推进可再生资源的利用来发展小型电站。
Climate change may have cost the world over $60 billion in 2003, triggering a [color=Red][b]spate[/b][/color] of natural disasters from a deadly heat wave in Europe to massive flooding in China. 2003年气候变化导致全球损失超过600亿美元,(气候变化)引发了一连串的自然灾害,从欧洲致命的炎热天气到中国大范围的洪水。
Climate change may have cost the world over $60 billion in 2003, triggering a spate of natural disasters from a deadly heat wave in Europe to massive flooding in China. 2003年气候变化导致全球损失超过600亿美元,(气候变化)引发了一连串的自然灾害,从欧洲致命的炎热天气到中国大范围的洪水。
Climate changes are likely to increase the frequency of floods and droughts like those that hit Europe in the past years, damaging agriculture and making plant species extinct, the Copenhagen-based EEA concluded. 位于哥本哈更的EEA机构总结说,气候的变化将使洪水和干旱,这些过去几年所经历过的气候灾难变得更加频繁,它们将破坏我们的农业生产,使植物种类灭绝.
Climate in Canada varies from place to place. 加拿大的气候因地而异。
Climate is the average of all the weather conditions over a long period of time. 气候是整个一段长期间所有天气状况的常模。
Climate models yield a similar climate sensitivity. 气候模型也得到相似的结论。

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