According to principle of studies and communication,CNOSI comes into being,which could enble you quickly and easily master Zeitgeist and learn more about Opensource technology.
众所周知,优秀的开源软件,精彩的开源文章层出不穷,但是汉化版本或者译文却凤毛麟角,本着学习和交流的原则,CNOSI使您能够更加轻易掌握时代的气息,领略开源软件的魅力。 |
According to principle the above, want and do preliminary health examination in the future , can needn't spend checking fee expensive, Needn't ultrasonic scanning , it is unnecessary computer fault scanning , needn't blood drawing and test or take the pic
按以上原理,今后如欲做初步的健康检查,即可不必花昂贵的检查费,不用超声波扫描,不用计算机断层扫描,更不用抽血化验或照X光,只要握住传感器或用尿液(毛发亦可),即可于数分钟内获知你身上多项健康数据。 |
According to prison officials at the time, the two may have died as a result of medical treatment, that treatment was the use of mind control or behavior modification drugs.
根据那时的监狱官员的话,其中2名也许死于医疗事故,而那个事故实际是运用精神控制实验和行为修正药物的结果。 |
According to probabilistic convergence of incomplete enumeration, the concept of near-implicit enumeration is proposed.
根据不完全枚举的概率收敛性,提出近隐式枚举的概念。 |
According to problems presented in grain production during the last six years, in order to guarantee the food security, beside continued development of chemical fertilizer industry and increase of chemical fertilizer application other corresponding measur
根据近6年来我国粮食生产中出现的问题,指出要保障我国粮食安全,除了继续发展化肥工业,增加化肥用量之外,国家应采取其他相应措施,包括稳定粮食作物的种植面积(至少应维持在11000万公顷水平);调整粮食价格,保护农民种粮积极性;改善农田基本生产条件,推行节水灌溉技术,促进粮食均衡增产;适度提高粮食净进口份额等等。 |
According to production department's requirements of delivery time and quality of raw materials (mainly on rapeseed), implement purchasing work of rapeseed in designated fields with reasonable price.
根据生产部门对原材料(主要是油菜籽)到货时间及其品质要求,以合理的价格完成指定区域的油菜籽收购工作。 |
According to projection features and projection characteristics of the boss-eyed plane, we can adopt the way of analyzing the line frames from the projection of an object surfaceto analyze the combination shape and hence construct the three-dimensional dr
根据可视面的投影性质和投影特征,可采用“表面框分析法”对组合体形状进行分析,从而确定三维立体图。 |
According to property and function different, differentiate for decision-making system, management system, groom system, harmonious system, superintend and director guides and feedback system, build and govern function of system of system, aggrandizement
按照性质和职能的不同,划分为决策系统、管理系统、培训系统、协调系统、督导和反馈系统、建立和健全管理制度、强化系统职能,使集团各分店、各部门、各级人员能够各司其职,确保集团的健全发展,并取得良好的经济效益。 |
According to psychologist John Holland, there are six types of personalities.
根据心理学家约翰荷兰的研究,人的个性可分为六种。 |
According to quantity to determine price.
价格依数量而定。 |
According to quantum theory, even a perfect vacuum is not truly empty; it is filled with fluctuations as a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
根据量子理论中的海森堡测不准原理,就算是完美的真空也不是空无一物,而是充满了量子涨落。 |