Frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals – past, present, and future. |
中文意思: 狗和猫喜欢摔交和玩滚球游戏。鱼和鸟喜欢跳舞,猿猴有简单的、愉悦身心的游戏。 |
Frogs will migrate to water features soon after they are established.
青蛙将此后不久移民到水特征他们被建立。 |
Frohike: I know what you're thinking: Melvin, are you out of your mind?
佛洛希基:我知道你在想什麽:梅尔文,你疯了不成? |
Frohike: If you want a converter that'll short out and burn your house down, definitely talk to this guy.
佛洛希基:如果你想要会短路、还会把房子烧掉的选台器,绝对要找这个人谈。 |
Frohike: Shut up, punk! (to Susanne) Where were we?
佛洛希基:闭嘴,痞子。(转向苏珊)我们说到哪里? |
Frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals — past, present, and future.
雀跃的幼儿,捉迷藏的学童和成年摔跤者展示出人与动物界的有力的跨越世代与物种的永恒的联系。 |
Frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals – past, present, and future.
狗和猫喜欢摔交和玩滚球游戏。鱼和鸟喜欢跳舞,猿猴有简单的、愉悦身心的游戏。 |
From Hong Kong in Figures, Frequently Asked Statisticsand Press Releases on Statistical Data, we can find different figures about population estimate.
我们可从「香港统计数字一览」、「常用统计资料」及「发布统计数据的新闻稿」找到的本港各项人口统计和估计资料。 |
From Related Organisation, we can browse into the websites of various public transport operators.
透过「相关组织」一栏,我们更可连接本港各个运输服务经营商的网页。 |
From The Sound Of Musicand Singing In The Rainto Moulin Rougeand Chicago, every production gave me the splendidly wonderful feeling of enjoying the merge of two of my favorite art forms at the same time.
从《音乐之声》和《雨中曲》,到《红磨坊》和《芝加哥》,每一部音乐剧都能给我以同时欣赏良种我最喜爱的艺术形式的极大满足。 |
From 10 titles in the first year to nearly 200 titles every year now, the publication variety of Academia Press has been growing step by step, and the quality improving steadily.
学林出版社出书从第一年十种,到现在的每年近200种,品种逐步增加,质量稳步提高。 |
From 11 weeks, the brightly echogenic choroid plexuses filling the large lateral entricles are the most prominent intracranial structures.
从11周开始,表现为强回声的脉络丛充满大的侧脑室是这个时期最明显的颅内结构。 |