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The news of his release came as such a surprise that his wife wept for joy.

The news of her resignation soon got about. 她辞职的消息很快就传开了。
The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue. 他死亡的消息好似晴天霹雳。
The news of his death was a real thunderbolt. 他去世的消息真是晴天霹雳。
The news of his death was(like)a bolt from the blue. 他逝世的消息犹如晴天霹雳。
The news of his friend's death unmanned him for a few minutes and he wept. 他朋友死亡的消息使他感到气馁几分钟,然后他哭了。
The news of his release came as such a surprise that his wife wept for joy. 他被释放的消息传来,真让人吃惊,他妻子竟高兴地哭了。
The news of our football coach's return to this country has cheered us up no end. 我们的足球教练回到这个国家的消息使我们非常高兴。
The news of shipwreck soon spread out widely. 船只失事的消息很快就广泛地传开了。
The news of the President's death was given out in a radio broadcast. 总统逝世的消息已在电台上播出了.
The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt . 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊。
The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt /quite a jolt . 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊[大吃一惊].

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