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Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

Stop!I heard somebody yell. Drop your gun! “站住!”我听到什么人大叫。“扔掉你的枪!”
Stop, relax, take a deep breath of O2 and join our refreshing journey. 停下急促的脚步,让乐韵和舞步送你一趟如呼吸纯氧般轻盈清新的旅程。
Stop, thief! Stop that man! “抓、抓贼!抓住那个男人!”
Strange enough, that new director has complete dominance of / over the whole committee. 说来也怪那位新选出的理事在委员会中居然占有绝对的支配地位。
Street basketballin summer 2007 the game for further improvement and refinement in at 22:30 on August 13, 2007 launched the latest version -- Summer leap, the version : 《街头篮球》09102版客户端《街头篮球》于2007年暑期对游戏进行了进一步的改进和完善,于2007年8月13日22:30推出最新版本---“飞跃夏日”,版本号:。
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. 力量不是来自身体上的,而是来自不屈不挠的精神。
Stress disrupts people's normal eating habits,he said. 他说:“压力会打乱人们正常的饮食习惯。”
Striving can only brings out the second best of you, not the best of you. Only passion can bring out the best of you. 拼,只能带出你第二好,不能带出你的最好,只有热诚,可以带出你的最好.
Strong superhumanitywould be more than cranking up the clock speed on a human-equivalent mind. 而强势人工智能则要比仅仅加快时钟速度要复杂得多。
Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively. 无论学生们学习什么都应该带着一定的疑问。学生们应该质疑老师教授的东西而不只是被动的接受。
Subtlety(Restoration Talent) now applies to all spells, not just healing spells. 微妙(恢复天赋)现在对所有技能都有效,不止是恢复系技能.

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