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Such uncertainty may partly explain why America's Treasury Department has so far ducked labelling China as a currency manipulator in its twice-yearly report to Congress.

Such trees can be found in the plains. 这种树木可见于平原。
Such trend as the devolution of financial function also takes place in China during the transformation of banking system. 中国的金融转型也出现金融功能退化的趋势。
Such trials generally employ vaccines made of dendritic cell precursors that have been isolated from cancer patients and grown in the laboratory together with tumor antigens. 此类实验通常会利用到树突先驱细胞所制成的疫苗;这些先驱细胞取自癌症患者身上,然后在实验室里与肿瘤抗原一起培养。
Such unanimous respect is unusual in football. 如此一致的尊敬在足球界是很罕见的。
Such uncertainties should worry a prudent African finance minister. 这种不确定性会让谨慎的非洲财长感到忧虑。
Such uncertainty may partly explain why America's Treasury Department has so far ducked labelling China as a currency manipulator in its twice-yearly report to Congress. 这种不确定性可以部分地解释为何迄今为止美国财政部在给国会的半年度报告里一直避免把中国打上货币操纵者的标签。
Such undertakings require the precise planning and foresight of military operations. 这样的事情要求有军方行动一般的周密部署和预见。
Such undesirable population certainly creates a hellish situation for both the family and the destroyers of the family. 这些不良后裔,当然就会为家族和家族的毁灭者,制造出一种地狱般的处境。
Such unnatural prosperity of the Chongqing urban porters has already cast a certain influence on the development of Chongqing. 挑夫的非正常兴盛也对近代重庆城市的发展产生了一定的影响。
Such unprecedented laxity in India will make it hard to get others—for example, Brazil, which already does some uranium enriching of its own—to accept the tougher inspections. 对印度这种没有先例的宽松将很难使像已经进行了一些铀浓缩的巴西那样的国家接受更为严厉的核查。
Such unreliable methods also left many animals fully conscious after the fur was ripped from their bodies. 这些已经相当残忍的手段使得动物被活剥皮毛后仍可保持清醒状态。

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