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CIP is an acute, diffuse neuropathy due to axonal dysfunction appearing in critically ill patients with sepsis or multiple organ dysfunction syndromes.

CILib - Computational Intelligence Library. A framework for developing CI algorithms such as particle swarms, evolutionary algorithms, neural networks etc. 计算智能库。它是用于开发CI算法的一个框架,可以开发如粒子密集度,进化算法,神经网络等。
CIM3 - Provide a secure and centrally managed Business Instant Messaging Solution (server/client), including Chat, Voice / Video Conferencing, File Transfer, Emoticons, Dictionary and Tools add-in function etc. 这个程序提供一个安全的、集中管理的业务即时信息解决方案(服务器/客户端),包括聊天,视频/视频会议,文件传输,由字符组成的图释,字典和一些附加功能的工具等等。
CIMC Xinhui invested USD 28million to build the largest container floor board producing line in the world at present and the most well-equipped physics-chemistry laboratory in China plywood industry. 新会中集投资2800万美元建成目前全球最大的集装箱木地板专业生产线,拥有从原木旋切到单板胶合全套的木地板生产设备,并建立了具有中国胶合板行业最高标准的理化试验室。
CINCINNATI University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have identified a new way to predict when anti-estrogen drug therapies are inappropriate for patients with hormone-dependent breast cancer. 辛辛那提-当抗雌激素药物对激素依赖性乳癌患者不适用时,辛辛那提大学研究人员提出新的预测方法。
CINEMAX is a 24-hour movie channel dedicated to movie lovers who are looking for sample exclusive, quality and entertaining films from Hollywood. CINEMAX每日二十四小时播放,专为爱好高格调、高质素及高娱乐性荷里活电影的人士而设。
CIP is an acute, diffuse neuropathy due to axonal dysfunction appearing in critically ill patients with sepsis or multiple organ dysfunction syndromes. 重症疾病并多发性神经病变是指在败血症或多重器官失调症候群的重症病人,所并发的急性弥漫性轴突功能异常。
CIP loaded in container and free on railway wagon at...station .Payment against SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading. 条款一:用集装箱装载且由铁路货车免税运输的,支付时不依照联合运输的提货单.
CIPE encrypts the data at the network level. Packets traveling between hosts on the network are encrypted. The encryption engine is placed near the driver which sends and receives packets. CIPE在网络层对数据进行加密.在网络上的主机间传送的数据包是经过加密的.加密引擎被置于靠近发送和接收数据包的驱动附近.
CIQ will conduct inspections after the goods arrive at the destination and issue the weight inspection certificate (including the confirmation of false packed bale and mixed packed bale) and the quality inspection certificate (such as the damage certifica 货物到目的地后由CIQ检验,其出具的重量检验证书(包括对欺诈棉包和混杂棉包的认定)和质量检验证书(如有残破还应出具残损证书),作为买卖双方结算和索赔的依据。
CIRRHOSIS - Used as a pathologic term to denote extensive scarring in the liver along with irregular nodules of regenerating liver tissue. 硬化——用来描述一种病理时期,指出肝脏广泛发生疤痕,伴有肝组织发生不规则新生结节。
CIS: But we can't go back, Duo, we know the truth now. 但我们回不去了,我们现在知道真相了。

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