Werewolves born to human or wolf families are indistinguishable from their mortal siblings.
出生自人类或者狼的狼人无法同他其他平凡的兄弟姐妹区分开来。 |
Werewolves can be killed only by silver. Partially true.
狼人只能被银器杀死。一部分正确。 |
Werewolves have an animistic view of creation, believing that spirits lurk behind everything around them.
狼人对世界持万物有灵论的观念,相信他们身边的一切背后都藏着灵魂。 |
Werewolves prowl the Earth in this world, as they have since the dawn of human history.
狼人在这个世界的大地上巡游,就像他们在人类文明刚刚破晓时所做的那样。 |
Werewolves retain their intelligence, which is equal to that of any human, in any form they take (and werewolves have five forms from which to choose).
不管什么形态(狼人可以选择五种形态),狼人保留了与任何一个人类近似的智慧。 |
Werewolves, unlike wolves, are loners. False.
狼人和狼不同,狼人是孤独的。错。 |
Werewolves, with their superhuman senses and occult talents, are aware of far deeper problems than crime and corruption.
狼人靠着他们超人的感观和神秘的天赋了解到远比犯罪和污染更深层的问题。 |
Werner Heisenberg: We are not sure which side of the road the chicken was on, but it was moving very fast.
海森堡:我们不确定鸡在马路的哪一边,但鸡的确是移动得很快. |
Werner put his fork down and raised his coffee cup.
沃纳把叉子放下端起咖啡杯。 |
Wert didn't hire a lawyer and didn't contest the annulment, although he reaffirmed his love for her during court proceedings.
温特并没有请律师辩护,也没有对法官的判决表示异议,但他一直重申自己深爱着阿尔玛。 |
Wertheimer N, Leeper E. Adult cancer related to electrical wires near the home. Int J Epidemiol 11:345-355 (1982).
摘要:电磁场聚集有害物质和尘埃可能是在电力线附近癌症风险增加的原因。 |