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On the way she met a wolf.

On the way home one night, I spotted some fresh-cut roses outside a florist's shop. After selecting a dozen and entering the shop, I was greeted by a young saleswoman. 一天晚上回家的路上,我看到一家花店外面有一些刚剪下来的玫瑰。我挑了一打,走进店里,一个年轻的女售货员跟我打了个招呼。
On the way home, Odysseus put out the one eye of the Cyclops who was the son of Poseidon and that doomed him to twenty years of roaming the seas before he could make land again in Greece. 在返乡的路上,奥德修斯弄瞎了海神波塞顿的儿子独眼巨人赛克拉普斯,因此冥冥中注定在他重新踏上希腊土地之前,他要飘流于大海20年。
On the way home, the doors of a tube car close on her, opening the what iffloodgates. 回家的路上,地铁车门在她面前关上,开始了“两种可能”的游戏。
On the way home, we called at the antique shop. 在回家的路上,我们去了古董店。
On the way home,my car broke down. 在回家的路上,我的车抛锚了。
On the way she met a wolf. 路上她遇到一只狼。
On the way they had run into a high wind. 在路上,他们碰上了大风。
On the way to Shanghai, my brother and I laid over in Nanjing for a day to see our aunt. 在去上海的途中,我和我兄弟在南京停留一天去看我的姨妈。
On the way to a friend's home for a party, Danny is lost. He stops his car and asks a man on the sidewalk. 丹尼去一个朋友家参加宴会的途中迷路了。他停下车,向人行道上的一位男士问路。
On the way to enlightenment, Shambhalans acquire such powers a Clairvoyance, - Biolocation, the ability to move at great speeds - and the ability to materialize and disappear at will - Telekinesis - and the union of the soul with the Oneness of universe. 在启迪的道路上,香巴拉获得这样一个透视的能力,-生物定位,以极快的速度移动的能力-而且这能力随意念任意物化和消失-心灵传动-并且与宇宙的大一灵魂联合。
On the way to seach for a nice restaurant, we found such a funny wood autobike, but I looked like a little cool when I was driving it, hehe! 在寻找理想餐馆的途中,我们发现这个木制的摩托车,骑在上面看起来还蛮酷的,呵呵!

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