The survey also showed white-collar workers are rarely involved in public welfare work.
调查也显示很少有白领关心公众社会福利。 |
The survey asked a variety of questions about marriage and divorce, including attitudes toward cohabitation and raising children. Eighty-eight percent of respondents said marriage should be a lifelong commitment.
这项研究调查了许多有关婚姻和离婚的问题,其中包括对于同居生活和抚育孩子的态度。88%的受访者表示婚姻应该是一辈子的承诺。 |
The survey assessed companies in different areas, including their product and service quality, management skills, financial strength, creativity, social commitment, the company's long-term value and its ability to attract talent.
今年是《财富》(中文版)第五次举行「最受赞赏的公司」年度调查,其调查指标包括﹕产品/服务质量、管理水平、财务实力、创新能力、社会责任感、公司的长期价值、吸引人材的能力共七项。 |
The survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting ranked 143 cities around the world, measuring the comparative cost of more than 200 areas such as housing, transportation and food.
美世人力资源咨询公司的该项调查对全球143个城市的住房、交通和饮食等200多个领域的比较成本进行了测算,并据此对这些城市进行了排位。 |
The survey conducted by Beyondblue, an organization devoted to fighting depression, also showed that those under 30 had the highest rates of depression and were the most likely to self-medicatewith drugs and alcohol.
此外,这项由抗抑郁症组织“战胜忧郁”开展的调查表明,30岁以下的人患抑郁症的比例最高,而且这一人群用药物和酒精饮料进行“自行治疗的几率最大。 |
The survey data indicated that conservationist group had a higher tendency toward new environmental paradigm than forest group in the perceptions on forest management.
调查资料显示,台湾的保育专家比森林专家对森林经营的认知更倾向新环境典範。 |
The survey data may offer insights into how to improve education about biotechnology in Taiwan.
本研究亦可反应一般知识分子对生物科技的了解,希能提供国内推展生物科技教育之参考。 |
The survey data were collected from a random sample of 496 ninth grade students in 15 probability proportionate multistage cluster classes in Taichung City and County, Taiwan in 2005.
本研究资料得自2005年台中县市的496位依县市接近等比例、乡镇市区及学校不重复原则的15个接近等比例、丛集随机班级样本。 |
The survey examines market opinion from leading hedge fund managers, proprietary trading desks and par investors based in Europe and in the US.
该项调查收集了来自欧洲和美国最主要的对冲基金管理者、私有贸易部门以及类似的投资者的观点。 |
The survey found job-hopping would probably spike in the middle of this month.
调查发现,跳槽高峰可能将出现于本月中旬。 |
The survey found more people could name the three American Idoljudges than identify three First Amendment rights.
调查还发现,更多人能说出美国偶像电视节目三个评委的名字,而说不出第一修正案中的三项权利。 |