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We can also see the inheritance and evolvement of similar Jian head on Jian in Song/Yuan/Ming dynasties.

We can also meet your special requirements for rugs by taking antibacterial, odor-proof, water absorbing, and flame-resist measures. 并可配合抗菌、防臭、吸水等各种加工方式以满足客户之特殊需求。
We can also produce inflatable toys according to your samples or pictures. 我们是可膨胀的玩具一个主导的制造者和出口商在中国。
We can also regret some awkwardness in the narration, who bring a little too late in the movie some dramatic stakes, like the motivations of Leon Lai's character, or some intense sentimental intrigues that link some characters. 我们也比较遗憾在叙事过程中出现了尴尬,这使得整部电影的高潮并不十分明显,如黎明所扮演角色的心理动机的变化,以及一些联系剧中人物的情感的冲突。
We can also reuse a general ontology, such as the UNSPSC ontology, and extend it to describe our domain of interest. 我们同样能够重用一般本体,比如:UNSPSC本体,并对其进行扩展以描述我们感兴趣的领域。
We can also see that because damping factor is a ratio that requires the load impedance to compute, it must be stated against some known impedance to be meaningful. 我们还可以看到因为阻尼因子是一个比率值,而且需要负载阻抗已知才能够进行计算,所以阻尼因子必须和某一已知的阻抗同时具明才有意义。
We can also see the inheritance and evolvement of similar Jian head on Jian in Song/Yuan/Ming dynasties. 我们还可以看到类似的剑首在宋/元/明剑上的继承和演变。
We can also strengthen connections further afield by integrating New York's public transport system. 世贸中心遗址的重建可能是下曼哈顿地区新生的催化剂。
We can also supply the maintenance service and very good process solution for clients in Wuxi, Suzhou, Shanghai and etc. 同时,我司还为无锡、苏州和上海地区的已建成的工厂提供专业的维修保养和工艺过程的解决方案。
We can also use satellites to help us make telephone calls to foreign countries . 我们也可以利用卫星帮我们把电话打到国外去。
We can always build a new roof. 我们总还是可以盖个新屋顶的。
We can always see lots and lots of night owls in bar areas. 我们总能在酒吧里看到许多夜猫子。

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