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A breach of contract allows the innocent party to enforce the contract, rescind the contract or sue for damages.

A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield. 勇者可能跌倒,但不会屈服.
A brave man smiles in the face of adversity. 勇者面对逆境也微笑;勇者不惧。
A brave man's wounds are seldom on his back. 一个勇敢的人背部很少受到伤害。
A brawl breaks out in the Nigerian parliament amid a debate over the Speaker's alleged misuse of public funds. 一次争吵在针对公众基金的说者涉嫌误用的辩论之中在奈及利亚人国会爆发。
A brawny or brutish man. 强壮的人,粗鲁的人
A breach of contract allows the innocent party to enforce the contract, rescind the contract or sue for damages. 合同违约可导致无辜一方强制执行合同,废止合同或就损失提出诉讼。
A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer. 保险人可以放弃保证的违反。
A break anywhere in the circuit may cause the lights in the neighbourhood to go out. 电路上任一处断路,都会使这一带的电灯熄灭。
A break came when an ATF expert was contacted by a colleague who had helped defuse one of the bombs. 联邦调查局的侦查工作很快就有了突破性的进展。
A break in a paper roll or web caused by air trapped in the roll during winding. See also: burst. 中义当纸卷在收卷的过程中,夹带的空气所引起的纸张破裂。
A break in the weather on Saturday allowed Oregon rescuers to renew their search for three missing hikers on Mount Hood but stormy weather expected overnight on Sunday gives them a limited search window, rescuers said. 周六天气的间隙让俄勒冈州救援人员可以恢复对三名徒步旅行胡德山游客的搜寻,但救援人员说期望周日整晚的暴风雨天气能给他们一个有限的搜寻窗户。

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