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Methods 77 patients with CHF were divided to three groups according to NYHA and 0 hearty subjects were taken as control,sFas andβ_-MG were measured.
方法将心功能不全患者77例依据NYHA心功能分级分为 组,同时选择健康人 0例作为正常对照组,分别检测研究对象的sFas和β-MG水平。

Methods 8 patients of biliary surgery with epidural block were randomly divided into two groups:demerol group(group D, n =) and control group(group C, n =) The demerol (0.~mg/kg) was administered in vein 0 min before skin incision in group D. 方法择期硬膜外阻滞下胆系手术病人 8例 ,随机分为哌口替啶组 (D组 )与对照组 (C组 )各 例。 D组于手术切开皮肤前 0分钟静脉给予哌口替淀 0 ~ mg/kg。
Methods 9 children with HBsAg carrier and 0 healthy children were blooded without eating in the morning. The serum levels of IL-0,IL-,IFN-γ of 9 HBsAg carrier were measured by specific-ELISA. 方法9例HBsAg携带患儿和 0例健康儿童均于清晨空腹采血,以双抗夹心ELISA法检测血清IL-0、IL-和IFN-γ的含量。
Methods suspected chancre specimens which were collected in Hengyang were screened by TP polA PCR. Positive specimens were performed to amplify ARP gene and TPR gene of TP. The TPR gene products were digested by restriction endonuclease. 方法收集衡阳地区疑似硬下疳的标本例,经TP polA PCR筛选后,阳性者用PCR扩增各标本中TP的ARP和TPR基因,酶切TPR基因扩增产物,分析各TP菌株ARP基因长度和TPR基因的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP),进行分型。
Methods 77 cases with liver disease including acute hepatitis ( 7),chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis (7) were checked by gastro scope and HP test. 方法对77例急慢性肝炎(急性肝炎7例,慢性肝炎 例)和肝硬化(7例)患者进行胃镜检查及HP检测。
Methods patients with HCC were separated into two groups randomly, the observing group(n= ) with devascularization of half of liver, and the control group(n= 0) with Pringle’s devasularization. 方法对例原发性肝癌(HCC)患者随机分为观察组进行半肝血供阻断术(n= )和对照组Pringle法阻断血流切肝术(n= 0);
Methods 77 patients with CHF were divided to three groups according to NYHA and 0 hearty subjects were taken as control,sFas andβ_-MG were measured. 方法将心功能不全患者77例依据NYHA心功能分级分为 组,同时选择健康人 0例作为正常对照组,分别检测研究对象的sFas和β-MG水平。
Methods 8 nasopyaryngeal carcinoma patients,7 nasitis patients and 0 healthy control were selected. EBVCA-IgA and EBNA-IgA in serum were determined to evaluated the diagnostic value of the combined determination of the two indexes. 方法:分别采用免疫酶法和ELISA间接法检测0例正常人,7例鼻炎患者和8例鼻咽癌患者血清中EB病毒壳抗原IgA(VCA IgA)和EB病毒核抗原IgA(VNA-IgA),评价两项指标联合检测对鼻咽癌的诊断价值。
Methods 8 patients above 0 years old with palpitation, stuffy chest, hard breath, lower ST-T, and low and flat T wave were analyzed by taking 0 mg of propranolol orally and observing ECG changes at 0, 0, 90 and 0 min. 方法分析8例0岁以上伴有心悸、胸闷、气短症状,静息心电图有ST段水平或下斜型压低,T波低平的患者,通过口服心得安药物0 mg,分别在 0、0、90、0 min描记心电图观察其变化。
Methods A HPLC method was used with DiamonsilTM C 8(0× . mn, μ m) column and a mobile phase of methanol- 0. % phospho ric acid solution (adjusted the pH to .0 with triethylamine)(0 ∶ 0). 方法采用HPLC法,流动相:甲醇-0.%磷酸(用三乙胺调pH至.0)(0∶0),色谱柱:DiamonsilTMC8(0×.mn,μm),流速:.0mL/min,柱温: ℃,波长:80nm,进样量:0μL。
Methods A PE-0 catheter with a silicon was used to block the middle cerebral artery(MCA) of rats for hours in cold saline infusion group,and locally infuse the MCA-supplied territory with . ml 0℃ saline for minutes before reperfusion. 方法应用内插有尼龙线的PE-0导管制作大鼠大脑中动脉(MCA)缺血 h模型,在再灌注前 min向MCA缺血区输注 . ml 0℃盐水,然后实施再灌注。
Methods A comparison study was made between 0 patients wearing monocles and 0 patients wearing progressive multi-focal spectacles about their degree of phoria taken with Von Graefe test at the start of wearing the spectacles and , months later. 方法用Von Graefe法测定0例单光眼镜配戴者及0例渐进多焦近视眼镜配戴者在配戴初,配戴后 、月隐斜量。

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