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With the humanistic goal to guide teacher training practice, teacher trainers do not confine themselves any longer to theoretical or technical training respectively, they emphasize both the rebuild of teachers' beliefs in educational theory and the develo

With the highlight of environmental issues and international concerns for the health and safety of humans, animals and plants, green trade barrier has become the major non-tariff barrier to present international trade, especially that of agricultural prod 摘要随着环境问题的上升和国际社会对人类、动物和植物的健康、安全等问题日益关注,绿色贸易措施已经成为当前国际贸易特别是农产品国际贸易面临的主要非关税壁垒。
With the historical trend of popularized higher education and the new century's education background that takes practical innovation as priority, learning skills from master teachers proves to be beneficial in many aspects: it can promote the combination 在高等教育大众化的历史趋势和以实践创新为主基调的新世纪教育背景下,拜师学艺能促进理论联系实际,提高课堂教学质量和效益;能有效地提高师范生实践教学能力;能密切高校与中小学的联系;能为教育改革发展提供借鉴,为师范生的职前培养和职后发展开辟广阔的空间。
With the homotopy method we solved the non-convex nonlinear programming with equality and inequality constrains. 摘要使用同伦算法研究混合约束的非凸非线性规划问题。
With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets: he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground. 结26:11他的马蹄必践踏你一切的街道.他必用刀杀戮你的居民.你坚固的柱子〔或作柱像〕必倒在地上。
With the hot rise day by day,Shanghai Tube brawls happen more frequently.As one of commuters from suburb to city centre,my daily job Tube trip witnesses all kinds of brawler,most of them are shanghainess.I suppose it would become a brand-mouthpiece of Tub 天气越来越热,上海地铁的吵架事件也频繁起来.作为一个郊区到市中心的通勤者,我每天的地铁之旅见识了各种各样吵架的人,其中大部分是上海本地人.地铁吵架者估计会成为上海地铁一号线的形象代言人了,我想总有一天会这样!
With the humanistic goal to guide teacher training practice, teacher trainers do not confine themselves any longer to theoretical or technical training respectively, they emphasize both the rebuild of teachers' beliefs in educational theory and the develo 在人性化的目标指导下,目前教师培训的内容突破了以往只重理论指导或只重技能训练的片面性,同时关注教师基本教育观念的重塑和核心教学技能的提升。
With the hysteretic hoops acquired from the experiment, the effective damping ratio of the joint, with which the energy dissipation of the joint may be weighted, is calculated. 通过研究拟静力试验所得的滞回曲线求得该节点的等效阻尼比,衡量它的耗能能力。
With the idea of dynamically reconfiguring manufacturing cell while implementing production tasks, a new scheduling and controlling structure for shop floor is presented. 研究了先进制造车间生産任务管理、生産计划、车间调度、生産运行控制、行産信息管理等问题,提出了以单元动态重组技术爲基础的车间生産调度控制系统。
With the ideas of designated-verifier signature scheme and proxy signature scheme,a new identity-based strong designated-verifier proxy signature scheme from bilinear pairings is proposed.The signature length of our scheme is shorter than Wang's scheme[4] 基于指定验证者签名和代理签名的思想,提出了一个运用双线性对的基于身份的强指定验证者代理签名方案,该方案比文献[4]中的指定验证者代理签名方案的签名长度更短。
With the illustration of the architecture design of Zhejiang Pinghu Gymnasium, the paper analyzes the relationship between the building and the surrounding site, the design paints of the realization of multi-purpose functions and modeling expressive force 摘要该文通过介绍平湖体育馆建筑设计,分析了建筑物与基地的关系以及中小型体育馆在多功能性、造型表现力方面的一些设计特点。
With the image of glamorous models at the back of her mind,Chris went on a strict diet. 指某件事或某个人在你的记忆里或意识里,但却没有引起你太多的注意。

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