If, however, the are not ignorant, and if the subuniverses requires various special privileges and recognitions form the lager society, there is the problem of keeping out the outsiders and at the same time having them acknowledge the legitimacy of this p |
中文意思: 从更大的社会中需要不同的特权和认可,那麽将门外汉排除在外和同时认知到程序正当性就会产生问题。 |
If, however, I am guilty of doing anything deserving death, I do not refuse to die.
11我若行了不义的事,犯了什么该死的罪,就是死,我也不辞。 |
If, however, SCO's aim is to shake the tree and see if any money falls down, or simply to spread fear, they may regard vagueness and mystery as advantageous.
可是SCO的目标是摇摇看摇钱树是否真的会有金钱落下或者是造成恐怖,他们有权利为他们的含糊保持神秘。 |
If, however, an option is granted to a Director on terms whereby the price at which such option may be exercised is to be fixed at the time of exercise, the dealing is to be regarded as taking place at the time of exercise.
然而,若按授予董事期权/选择权的有关条款,在行使该期权/选择权时方决定行使价格,则于行使有关期权/选择权时方被视为进行交易。 |
If, however, he had been actively engaged in hunting at the time of his death, why is the bow unfinished and unstrung and all but two of the arrows without heads and feathers and those two broken?
不过,要是他死前正在积极打猎,那麽为什麽弓还没做好,也没上弦,箭也没簇没羽,两根有簇有羽的箭却是断的? |
If, however, research suggests that social entrepreneurship can be a more natural act by a much larger number of people and entities, all the better.
然而,假如研究表明社会企业家本可以是更多人群和实体的更自然的行为,那就更好了。 |
If, however, the are not ignorant, and if the subuniverses requires various special privileges and recognitions form the lager society, there is the problem of keeping out the outsiders and at the same time having them acknowledge the legitimacy of this p
从更大的社会中需要不同的特权和认可,那麽将门外汉排除在外和同时认知到程序正当性就会产生问题。 |
If, however, the economy fails to gather momentum, then the loss of growth will not only be noticeable, but could feed upon itself as worried households exacerbate the situation by further tightening their belts.
但是,如果经济不景气,我们不仅会留意到我们的丢失以往的增长,而且,我们会体验到每个家庭的经济情况会恶化,每个家庭都将勒紧裤腰带过日子。 |
If, however, the males occasionally make a mistake and mate with parasitized females, then this is enough to keep Wolbachia in the population.
但是,要是雄性的分辨能力并不完美,偶尔犯错,与感染雌性交配,沃巴赫菌就能继续立足。 |
If, however, the middle section was confused, with a meandering story that was hard to follow, write something like “Mid – confused” in the suggestion side.
然而,如果讲者在本文部份出现文理芜杂难以捉摸的状况,我就会在建议改进栏内记录「本文-杂乱」这类的评语。 |
If, however, the power of the occupant is effectively displaced for any length of time, its position towards the inhabitants is the same as before occupation.
但若占领者的权力被长时期搁置或取代,其对于住民的地位与占领前一样。 |
If, however, this proposed deal with the Wolves moves out one or more of our point guards, I might start to get a little bit more excited.
而现在的问题是,火箭到底出多少买身钱,还有就是把谁谁送入狼口。 |