But, the city has now passed regulations banning the demolition of any structure more than 50 years old without a permit, he said. |
中文意思: 但是他说,如今这个城市通过了一项法规,任何有50年以上历史的建筑未经允许不得破坏。 |
But, that would be made up for, by having a huge spring clean of the entire house…which wasn't much fun.
但是,那是要付出代价的——对全家来一个新春大扫除……那可不是什么乐事。 |
But, the Defendant had failed to reply to those faxes di atched by the Plaintiff by taking an evasive attitude.
然而,被诉人对申诉人的电传却采取躲避态度,一直不予答复。 |
But, the Defendant had failed to reply to those faxes dispatched by the Plaintiff by taking an evasive attitude.
然而,被诉人对申诉人的电传却采取躲避态度,一直不予答复。 |
But, the EPIC's Rotenberg says, it's not time yet to sound the alarm bells on improved digital maps or other such services.
“第一种事物就是数字地图,它已经出现一阵子了。现在这类地图可以结合动画,图像和[人们或店铺]的方位(经纬度)。” |
But, the best competition is good-decision making quick.
最理想的当然是判断快且正确。 |
But, the city has now passed regulations banning the demolition of any structure more than 50 years old without a permit, he said.
但是他说,如今这个城市通过了一项法规,任何有50年以上历史的建筑未经允许不得破坏。 |
But, the disease has spread to Europe and the Middle East.
但是该病已蔓延到欧洲和中东地区了。 |
But, the farmer,seeing what had happened rushed out with his shotgun and yelled,See here!therefore it belongs to me!
但目睹一切的农夫拿著猎枪大声地说:『看看这里,鸭子是我的.』 |
But, the mere idea of having that much money is enough to make even the most disinterested students pay attention in a social studies class.
可是,哪怕仅仅是想到有这么一大笔钱,已经足够使那些对此最不感兴趣的学生也关注起这门社会学课程。 |
But, the name being able to choose a self lovely girl on Lupasala festival , young fellows carves on the vase.
然而,在卢帕撒拉节,小伙子们可以选择一个自己心爱的姑娘的名字刻在花瓶上。 |
But, the pregnant woman should not clean cat's litter box (where cats dispose waste).
所以我妻子从不清洁猫砂盆,我干这事。更重要的是我们没有送走猫们。我的女儿和5只猫一起成长着。 |