LL: That still seems like a bone-headed excuse to me. You can carry your trash until you find a park trash can or bring it with you to your car.
就是嘛,到处扔垃圾不但会影响公园的景色,而且也有害与保护环境。也许他们是因为没有扔垃圾的口袋? |
LL: That's a good idea. I have some Pepto Bismol in my medicine cabinet. That should make me feel better.
你家里老有这种叫PeptoBismol的药呀?我知道那是胃不舒服的时候吃的药。听我的劝,Larry,下回再口渴,还是喝白水好! |
LL: That's a good idea. I'll try and peel it off later tonight.
你就别再发火了。想一想,口香糖沾上鞋底,总比沾上头发要好一些吧? |
LL: That's different! People can get killed on those things if something goes wrong!
是啊!云霄飞车如果出状况,是会摔死人的。那难道攀岩石就不会出意外啊? |
LL: That's for sure. Their revenue is pretty sick。 With company growth like that, I bet my Dad's friend's net worth is pretty sick too.
那是肯定的。收入那么多,家产当然是惊人的。我们中国人就说:家产万贯。 |
LL: That's like my mother. She could clam up for days when she is angry with my father.
你妈妈跟你爸爸生气的时候几天不说话啊.那,你爸爸怎么办呢? |
LL: That's not a very appreciative attitude, Li Hua. Whether or not you pass the exam with flying colors, I still put in a lot of time helping you.
跟你开个玩笑嘛!我知道你花了很多时间和心血来辅导我的英语。我怎么会不感谢你呢!不管我考的好不好,我都应该谢谢你呀。 |
LL: That's pretty normal. How about now? Are you still a basket case? Or have you adjusted to life in the U.S.?
嗯,现在我只有在考试的时候才会紧张。每学期总是有一个礼拜,我会紧张得睡不着,吃不下。 |
LL: That's right. I can tell most of these students want to learn Chinese. If you always get worked up when they make mistakes, you won't notice when they improve.
你说的对,大多数学生都是真的想学,我不应该看到他们的错误就生气,应该多多鼓励他们。 |
LL: That's true. If my dad wasn't such a tightwad about the little things, maybe he wouldn't have been able to send me to college.
那到是,要是你爸爸不这么精打细算,你现在可能还上不了大学呢。你的弟弟妹妹也要上大学的,所以你父亲节约是有道理的。 |
LL: That's what I was afraid of. I wouldn't mind having a pet rat, but I don't want to make all of my friends wig out, either.
你觉得养老鼠当宠物比较简单,那你就去养,我管不着,不过,我可能再也不敢去你家了。 |