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Red: Cap\'n Seagrave\'s a pirate.

Red-bellied turtles spend much of their time basking in the sun on logs or rocks. 红腹龟的时间通常都用来享受阳光,不管是躺在木头还是石头上都可以。
Red-carded Timothee Atouba giving irate Hamburg fans the finger on his way out. 阿图巴得到红牌后,在离场时向愤怒的汉堡球迷竖起了手指。
Red-crowned cranes sing a unisoncall on Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan's main islands. 丹顶鹤在日本最北的主岛北海道发出“齐鸣”。
Red-oil noodles is very famous here. 这儿的红油小面很有名。
Red...we must hear it\'s tale. 雷德……我们一定要听一听它的故事。
Red: Cap\'n Seagrave\'s a pirate. 雷德:海之墓船长是一个海盗。
Red: Don\'t be gettin\' a big head now demon-girl, an\' remember who was callin\' out fer help a moment ago. 雷德:别扯了你这女恶魔,刚才也不知道是谁喊救命来着。
Red: Represent brave, justice, power, and royalty, mostly use to courage and uprightness people. 红色:象征忠勇、正义、威武、庄严,大多用于富有血性的人物。
Red: \'Suppose you might be right, demon. 雷德:假设你是对的,恶魔。
Redacting multimedia courseware with VB to solving some problems of display and play and control on animated drawing and audio and picture and text, here we introduce some programming technique and key technology. 摘要利用VB编写多媒体课件,主要解决动画、声音、图片、文本的显示、播放与控制等问题,介绍了一些有关的编程技巧和关键技术。
Redd doesn't even have that much help in Milwaukee but is starting to play a more diverse game, as the Spurs would tell you. 里德在密尔沃基从没有得到这样的支持,但他正打着一种更多样化的比赛,因为马刺会告诉你。

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