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A famous French chemist named Louis Pasteur discovered and proved, after many years of careful experiments on animals, that microorganisms were responsible for certain infectious diseases.

A famine spread across India and many people died. 印度遭受饥荒,许多人都饿死了。
A famine will attack the people, and an appalling death rate will follow the famine. 一场饥荒会袭击人们,令人震惊的死亡率会接着饥荒而来。
A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip, hypocrisy, and false sentimentality. 理查德?谢里丹著名的18世纪喜剧,讽刺了造谣生事、虚伪和矫情造作。
A famous American John Muir said in 1898: “The Grand Canyon… as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star. 一位著名的美国人约翰?缪尔曾在1898年说过:“(科罗拉多河的)大峡谷……它的色彩和构造的宏伟多样是世上所无的,就像是人消亡以后在别的星球上发现的东西。”
A famous British mathematician points out that we live surrounded by figures. 一位著名的英国数学家指出,我们生活在被数学包围的环境里。
A famous French chemist named Louis Pasteur discovered and proved, after many years of careful experiments on animals, that microorganisms were responsible for certain infectious diseases. 一位名叫路易斯·巴斯德的法国化学家在经过多年细致的动物实验后,发现并证实了微生物是诱发某些传染病的原因。
A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. 在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。
A famous adage says: Every man at forty is a fool or a physician. 有句名言道:人到四十,如果不是傻子,就该知道保养身体。
A famous manufacturer makes the product. 这种产品是由一个著名的生产商制造的。
A famous musician, Tom's father teaches me music. 汤姆的父亲是位知名的音乐家,他教我音乐。
A famous player in his day, Drake was a strict disciplinarian and organiser and revolutionised the club at all levels, not just on the pitch. 德拉克的球员时代非常出色,来蓝军后他对球队的训练和组织都非常严厉,并且在各个方面都对球队进行了变革,而不仅仅是在球场上。

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