Zhuhai COSCO Kansai Paint Ltd. was co-invested by COSCO (HK) International Holdings Ltd. and Kansai Paint Limited in Japan with an initial 1st phase investment of 4.3 million Yuan RMB and to provide an annual production of 36,000 tons of paint and an annu |
中文意思: 珠海中远关西涂料化工有限公司是由中远香港国际控股有限公司与日本关西涂料株式会社共同投资建设的,首期投资4300万元,年生产36000吨涂料,年产值7亿多元。 |
Zhuangzi's sages were often artisans, butchers or woodcarvers.
庄子的贤人通常是工匠,屠夫或木雕家。 |
Zhubang Industrial is a multi-regional group whose major business consists real estate development and management. Its business range covers real estate development, sales, property management, etc.
住邦实业是一家以房地産开发、经营爲主营业务的跨地区企业集团,业务範围涉及房地産开发、销售、物业管理等。 |
Zhuchi and miaozhu idioms, embedded in a legal and contractual framework, were part of a China-wide repertoire of temple management, put to use in different ways in each local system and each individual temple community.
这种具有法律和契约性质的住持与庙祝行业,不仅传承了中国庙宇的管理经验,且能因地制宜调整其经营模式。 |
Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded.
诸葛亮装得十分镇静,把司马懿给骗了。司马懿不知道这座城其实是空的。 |
Zhuhai Agricultural Credit Cooperative will issue 100% of its shares in the form of one Yuan RMB to one share to realize a 300 million Yuan RMB asset increase in the 1st half of this year in order to push its reform forward.
珠海农信社将拿出100%股份,以一股一元的价格向社会发行,在今年上半年实现增资扩股3亿元,以推动珠海农信改革的顺利进行。 |
Zhuhai COSCO Kansai Paint Ltd. was co-invested by COSCO (HK) International Holdings Ltd. and Kansai Paint Limited in Japan with an initial 1st phase investment of 4.3 million Yuan RMB and to provide an annual production of 36,000 tons of paint and an annu
珠海中远关西涂料化工有限公司是由中远香港国际控股有限公司与日本关西涂料株式会社共同投资建设的,首期投资4300万元,年生产36000吨涂料,年产值7亿多元。 |
Zhuhai Cellulose Fibers Co., Ltd held a ceremony meeting for the completion of the 2nd phase and the company's 20th Anniversary on May 24th.
珠海醋酸纤维有限公司24日举行大会,庆祝二期扩建工程圆满完成和公司成立十二周年。 |
Zhuhai City Green Land Scheme adopted in this May indicates that Zhuhai's scheming target is to build a world famous and domestically first class national biological seashore garden city.
在今年五月刚刚通过的《珠海市城市绿地系统规划》中,我市的规划目标是:把珠海建设成为国际知名、国内一流的国家级滨海生态园林城市。 |
Zhuhai International Circuit. From the top, you can view the whole raceway, of course also the beautiful scenery.
珠海国际赛车场。站在上面可以看到整个比赛的跑道,当然还有美丽的风光。 |
Zhuhai SEZ Hongta Renheng Paper Co., Ltd. is a large-sized modern paper making enterprise financed by Yunnan Hongta Industrial Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Yunnan Hongta Group and Renheng International Investment Company.
珠海经济特区红塔仁恒纸业有限公司是由云南红塔集团所属的云南红塔实业有限责任公司和维尔京群岛仁恒国际投资公司于1990年12月15日共同投资兴建的大型现代化造纸企业。 |
Zhuhai Water Supply Company has supplied 170,000 cubic-meter water to Macao every day since it was established 20 years ago.
珠海对澳门供水公司获国家质量和环境管理体系认证,颁证仪式19日上午在珠海宾馆行。 |