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I've been down, I\'ve been beat.

I've been diddled ! Half of these tomatoes are bad! 我上当了!这些番茄一半是坏的!
I've been diddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad! 我上当了! 这些番茄一半是坏的!
I've been doing different kinds of work lately,including songwriting. 我最近一直在做一些不同种类的工作,其中包括写歌。
I've been doing that for eight years now, on and off, in sort of various degrees of success, but this is the first series that was picked up. 我已经断断续续这么做了八年了,有多多少少的成功,但这是第一次出演系列剧。
I've been doing this job for years but I just can't hack it anymore. 我这份工作已做了好几年,但我再也做不了了。
I've been down, I\'ve been beat. 我曾潦倒,我曾失败。
I've been driving for20 years and never had an accident---touch wood. 我开车20多年未发生车祸-----这是因为我常触木避邪。
I've been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想见到你。
I've been eating my heart out. 我一直非常悲痛。
I've been expecting your call. 我一直在等您的电话。
I've been feeling out of spirits for some time, and I think need a holiday. 我已经有一段时间没精打采了,因而我想我需要休假了。

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