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It is ironic that the more serious problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies.

It is involved in the sunthesis and breakdown of the amino acid threonine. 它包括合成和分解氨基酸苏氨酸。
It is involved in the synthesis of biotin. 它和生物素的合成有关。
It is involved in various activities covering environmental issues such as protected areas and biodiversity, urban agglomeration, environmental awareness, Human Resource Development, Capacity Building and Research. 环境保护培训和研究所的主要工作是提供关于环境保护的培训、咨询、应用研究服务等内容,促进和改善环境的现状。
It is ironic that despite his semi-divine origins and his powerful connection to the Force, he is fraught with vulnerabilities. 讽刺的是,除开他那近乎神话的出生和他与原力的强大联系,他身上充满了弱点。
It is ironic that many college students cannot live independently. So, middle school students should learn to be independent from now on. 如今很多大学生都无法独立生存,所以中学生要从现在开始学习独立.
It is ironic that the more serious problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies. 很讽刺的是越严重的问题都是在越进步的工业社会中出现的。
It is irrational to regard legal interests as the only standard for judging crime number, while, legal interests is important to theory of crime number. 摘要将法益作为判断罪数的唯一标准,确实不尽合理,但是,法益于罪数论意义重大。
It is irrelevant to me how my wife goes about cooking my favorite goulash as long as it turns out the way I like it. 当我不再喜欢时,我的妻子如何烹煮我最爱的菜炖牛肉都与我无关。
It is irrelevant to me how my wife goes about cooking my favorite goulash as ong as it turns out the way I like it. 只要结果让我满意,我的妻子如何煮出我最爱的番茄牛肉和我无关。
It is irritating to listen to a message and then have to repeat parts of it to retrieve the number to return the call. 听一个信息并且要重复一部分才能完全记住的回电号码是很让人不快的。
It is issuitable for various capsules and tablets to polish. 本机适用各种胶囊和片剂的抛光。

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