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Actually, the current retry procedure has already sunk into a predicament as well.

Actually, our price is already narrowly calculated and it leaves us only small profit margin. 事实上,我们的价格是精确计算过的,赚头很少。
Actually, scientists think it's water ice, mixed with dirt and rocks, one to two feet underground. 实际上,科学家认为位于地表之下一至两英尺的冰态水掺杂着泥土和岩石。
Actually, some of the judges are not worthy of the name, for they do not meet the standards whether they are judged from their clothing, wording, expertise, inner character, or outer behavior. 其实作为评委,其中有的人本身素养就不高,从装束、语言、知识、涵养到作派都达不到一个真正评委的标准。
Actually, textile and clothing industries are the sectors for which the developing countries have the most to gain from a multilateral trading system. 事实上,纺织和服装是发展中国家从多面贸易体系中获益最多的两个行业。
Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels. 事实上,他越忙越高兴。
Actually, the current retry procedure has already sunk into a predicament as well. 现行刑事再审程序的运作实际上也已陷入了困境。
Actually, the defeat also can embellish the life. 其实,失败也能点缀人生。
Actually, the elderly are more prone to sleep maintenance problems, whereas younger people tend to have trouble falling asleep. 事实上,老年人更容易在睡眠维持方面出问题,而年轻人则往往是难以入睡。
Actually, the information contained by the interface name and function name called disappear at compile time, all that is left is a numeric offset from an as of yet value unspecified pointer. 实际上,由接口名和函数名所包含的信息在编译的时候就消失了,所有剩下的就是从一个还没有指定值的指针开始的一个数字偏移位置。
Actually, the laboring man has not leisure for a true integrity day by day; he cannot afford to sustain the manliest relations to men; his labor would be depreciated in the market. 实际上,劳形于营生的人并无閒暇追求岁月递嬗的真实尊严,无法维持人际之间人性的关系,努力的成果在市场上为人贬低杀价。
Actually, the medical evidence and drug categorization of the state relies selectively on specific advanced country. 国家机器所援引的医学证据或毒品分类仅仅只是「选择」某个「先进国家」。

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