Museums, museums, museums, object-lessons rigged out to illustrate the unsound theories of archaeologists, crazy attempts to co-ordinate and get into a fixed order that which has no fixed order and will not be co-ordinated !
博物馆、博物馆、博物馆,都是一些斑斑可考的教训,足以证明考古学家理论的不正确:他们一厢情愿地想把原先无法协调、无秩序的浑沌,规划成为有条理的系统。 |
Mushroom can grow very quickly.
蘑菇可以生长地很快。 |
Mushroom outlet closing and opening by hand to be inspected.
菌形风帽手动启闭试验。 |
Mushroom's spores are usually carried on the wind.
蘑菇的孢子通常由风传播。 |
Mushrooms always grow in damp places, which is why they look unbrellas.
香菇都生在阴湿的地方,因此它们长的都像雨伞. |
Mushrooms were touted as a mild cure for many chronic disease.
蕈类曾标榜对多种慢性病具有温和的疗效。 |
Music A type of folk music that originated in the southern United States, typically played on banjos and guitars and characterized by rapid tempos and jazzlike improvisation.
蓝草音乐:一种起源于美国南方的民间音乐,通常用班卓琴或吉他演奏,特色为音乐轻快和象爵士乐那样即兴演奏. |
Music Art Center is greatly enjoyed by students.
我校音乐艺术中心深受学生欢迎。 |
Music and art depend on mess.
音乐和艺术更是依靠杂乱无章。 |
Music and painting are fine arts.
音乐和绘画都是艺术。 |
Music and physical education are naturally related.
摘要音乐与体育有着天然的姻缘关系。 |