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“I failed at my marriage. I don't have a career. I might lose my house. I don't have a man,” she told US network ABC News.

“I don't want to settle for anything but the best. You know? 我只要最好的,不想将就。你知道吗?
“I don't want to talk about the clubs or which country they are in until everything has been finalised, but I do have several offers on the table. “赛季结束之前,我不想与其他俱乐部交谈或者他们来自哪个联赛,而事实上,我手头确实有几家俱乐部给我的合同。”
“I don't want to wipe out our dream, because we all must continue to give our all for the team,” he continued. 我不想彻底摧毁我们的梦想,因为我们都很有可能继续留在队中一起奋斗,他继续.
“I do—Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my house, and I must say, I agree. Know what house you'll be in yet? “我打过。爸爸说,要是我没有被选入我们学院的代表队,那就太丢人了。我要说,我同意这种看法。你知道你被分到哪个学院了吗?”
“I enjoyed playing in the centre last season but this year, with Scholesy and Michael [Carrick] having such a good understanding, we have a settled two,” Giggs reflects. “上赛季我很享受在中路的日子,但是今年我们有了斯科尔斯和卡里克,所以我就回到了边上。”吉格斯说。
“I failed at my marriage. I don't have a career. I might lose my house. I don't have a man,” she told US network ABC News. “我婚姻失败,工作失败。我可能要失去我的房子。身边没有个男人。”她对ABC电视公司说道。
“I fall off my perch you fool!!”screeches the parrot. “我会从杆上掉下来,你这个傻瓜!”鹦鹉尖叫着说。
“I figured, that way, he can't forget it,” she said. 她说:“我想,这样的话,他就不会忘记这一天。”
“I finally e-mailed him back, and it was him, and we started having this great friendship about the markets. “我最终给他回了邮件,的确就是他,于是我们开始了这段关于市场的伟大友谊。
“I give up” said Allen. 爱伦说:“我放弃了。”
“I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing the starfish to the ocean? “我想我应该问,你为什么要把它海星扔进海里?”

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