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New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin blasted the federal response to the disaster in a radio interview Thursday, making an urgent plea for reinforcements and aid.

New Objective: Eliminate countdown disturbance. 新任务:消除倒计时的障碍。
New Office Room for Zion Bible Correspondence School, is located on the ground floor of MTS Main Building. 敬请各位牧者与弟兄姐妹留意,我们的锡安圣经函授学校办公室已经从第叁楼的课室搬到底楼新的办公室。
New On-Line Mock test Simulated official CPT as a computer-based test has released today. 与正式的考试系统完全相同的新版线上模拟试题今天正式上线了。
New Oriental Career College is the post-secondary career training school founded by the New Oriental Education Corporation of North America. 新东方北美职业教育学院是北京新东方北美分公司直属的高等职业教育机构。
New Oriental opened 10 schools in the fiscal year and plans to open six to eight more in fiscal 2007. 新东方本财政年度共新开设10所分校,并计划在2007年财政年度再开设六至八所分校。
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin blasted the federal response to the disaster in a radio interview Thursday, making an urgent plea for reinforcements and aid. 新奥尔良市长雷.纳金在接受电台采访时猛烈批评联邦政府对灾难的反应,并且紧急呼吁要求增援和援助。
New Orleans and other coastal communities are still recovering from last year's Hurricane Katrina. 新奥尔良市和其他一些海滨城市仍还没有从去年特里娜飓风(的打击)中恢复过来。
New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast are marking the second anniversary of hurricane Katrina. 美国奥尔良和密西西比海岸今日举行活动,纪念“卡特里娜”飓风灾难两周年。
New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz. 新奥尔良是爵士乐的诞生地。
New Orleans' mayor suspends reopening parts of the hurricane-ravaged city as Tropical Storm Rita threatens a new round of flooding. 由于热带风暴丽塔将带来新一轮洪水的威胁,新奥尔良市长推迟了对被飓风袭击过的城市部分地区的重新开放。
New Pick-up Centre in Mongkok came into operation in 1985. This was the first Amway self-service styled pick-up centre in the world. 旺角新批发中心于1985年启用,为全球安利首个以自助购货形式运作的批发中心。

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