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And the more bilateral deals are in place, the harder it will be to pull off a multilateral one.

And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? 民11:4他们中间的闲杂人大起贪欲的心.以色列人又哭号说、谁给我们肉吃呢。
And the modesty of real emotions avoids the excesses of those falsely created. 含蓄的真情实感避免了过分的造作。
And the money that is paid isn't factored into the equation of luxury tax for the high-revenue clubs. 而这些高收入球队所付出的转队费并不用被课徵豪华税。
And the money they send home has become essential for jobless rural China. 而他们汇回家的钱则是贫困农村的必要生活来源。
And the moon is what this celebration is all about. 而月亮正是中秋节庆祝的主题。
And the more bilateral deals are in place, the harder it will be to pull off a multilateral one. 而且双边协议越多,多边协议就越是不容易实现。
And the more complex the water quality is and the higher the TDS is toward the center of basin; the change of water quality in the Malian river indicate that groundwater of the east and west side recharges the river. 说明鄂尔多斯盆地南区的东部地区和西南部地区为地下水补给区,而中心地带为地下水排泄区,最终经马莲河排出区外。
And the more eleborate one, set back from the river a bit, and constructed up by the Shaanxi merchants, has been converted into a quite nice, Salt History Museum. 那个陕西商人所建而离河稍远又宏伟一点的已经被改成一座很好的盐业博物馆。
And the more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with those whose reports are meagre. 他在其他报纸上读到的有关自己的报导越多,对报导不够充分的报纸就越气愤。
And the more intimately involved people become, the more they rely on one another. 而且人们之间关系愈密切就愈发相互依赖。
And the more strict regulation and relevant countermeasures are also forecast. 最后展望更加严格的排放法规以及应对措施。

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