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Those who become immersed in the world and drown in it only realize the material would and its desires, which we have called physical or mundane sustenance.

Those who are to be unhappy think and continually discontented. 那些不幸的人所想所说的都是相反的事情,因此住院病人始终不满。
Those who are “numbers and logic smart” excel at math and science. 具有“数理逻辑智能”的人,在数学和自然科学方面表现出有杰出的才能。
Those who are “self smart” are in tune with their own emotions. 这些人有“自知之明的智能”非常清楚了解他们自己的情感。
Those who argue that smoking should be restricted because of the costs to the National Health Service are on even thinner ice. 那些因为国民健康服务的支出成本而支持禁止吸烟的人,他们的理由也站不住脚。
Those who back and fill at the problem should be got rid of. 那些在这个问题上出尔反尔的人应该被赶出去。
Those who become immersed in the world and drown in it only realize the material would and its desires, which we have called physical or mundane sustenance. 溺在世俗中的人,只知道物质世界及欲望,这就是我们所说的物质或世俗的食粮。
Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites contained the seed of theater because music, dance, masks, and costumes were almost always used. 那些相信戏剧的发展是和宗教仪式无关的人也认为那些仪式包含戏剧的种子,因为音乐,舞蹈和面具还有服装几乎都是以前宗教仪式上用过的。
Those who believe that the battle in Iraq is lost are pointing to the unsatisfactory performance on some of the political benchmarks. 那些反对美伊战争的人指出以政治标准上的一些结果无法令人满意。
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 24凡属基督耶稣的人,是已经把肉体,连肉体的邪情私欲,同钉在十字架上了。
Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear. 在走向成功的路途中能够预见到困难的人在困难真正出现的时候常常能保持冷静的态度。
Those who can't tell colors apart are called color-blind. 不能辨别颜色的人叫色盲.

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