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P:Is there any way to cure it?If possible,I'd rather not have an operation.

P:Heavy eating seems to bring on the pain.Coule this be the reason for it? 暴食后似乎就带来疼痛。这是发病的原因吗?
P:How can I keep to a good diet? 我怎样才能保持一个良好的饮食方案呢?
P:I can't say. Almost hourly. 我说不清。几乎每小时一次。
P:I had my appendix out,but that was a long time ago. 我做过阑尾手术,不过那是很久以前的事了。
P:I think it is no use . 患者:我想打针也没用。
P:Is there any way to cure it?If possible,I'd rather not have an operation. 有什么方法治疗吗?如果可能的话,我就不动手术。
P:It started in the morning. At the beginning I have a stomachache. 病人:早晨开始的,起初我觉得胃疼。
P:It's still aching. 仍然很疼啊。
P:My throat has been dry and slightly painful when sallowing even the saliva. 咽喉很干,甚至咽唾液时轻微疼痛。
P:No, I'm not. I'm a engineering here. 不,我不是。我这里做工程设计的。
P:Nurse, don't give me the injection again. 患者:护士,别给我打针了。

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