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A soft, generous and rich Merlot. The juicy plum flavours are well balanced with sweet, subtle oak and supported with a fine tannin structure. May be cellared for five years.

A soft material, often with an adhesive backing, used especially on the feet to protect against chafing. 包足绷带布一种柔软材料,通常带有粘连衬背,尤指用于脚部防止摩擦
A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather. 绒毛织物或皮革上的柔软或绒毛状的表面
A soft spleen can be palpated in about three fourths of the patients. 四分之三的患者可触及脾脏,其质地柔软。
A soft violet light was coming through a stained glass window. 一道柔和的紫色光芒从彩绘玻璃窗射出来。
A soft, amorphous mass. 一柔软、无定形的块状物
A soft, generous and rich Merlot. The juicy plum flavours are well balanced with sweet, subtle oak and supported with a fine tannin structure. May be cellared for five years. 特点:口感柔顺,果味丰富,加上隐约(丰厚但隐藏,复杂但不肤浅)的橡木味结合得十分均衡,并且拥有完美的丹宁酸结构支撑。
A soft, lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool. 兹寄上本公司的订单,请立即发运100包一等品美利奴羊毛。
A soft, lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool. 麦利诺精纺毛纱一种柔软质轻的织物,原先是用麦利诺羊毛纺成的,但现在用任何优质羊毛都可织成
A soft, moist, shapeless mass of matter. 浆状物一团柔软、潮湿且无固定形状的东西
A soft, ribbed cloth of wool or a wool blend, usually used for dresses. 罗纹织物一种羊毛的或羊毛混纺的柔软的、有罗纹的织物,一般用来制作女装
A soft, semisolid food substance with a resilient consistency, made by the setting of a liquid containing pectin or gelatin or by the addition of gelatin to a liquid, especially such a substance made of fruit juice containing pectin boiled with sugar. 果子冻:一种软的有弹性、稠度大的半固体食品,由含有果胶或胶质的液体或者在液体中添加胶质而制成,尤指含有果胶的果汁加糖熬制而成的食品。

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