Carbon dioxide, one of the primary greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, comes from burning coal and natural gas to produce electricity. |
中文意思: 二氧化碳被认为是造成全球暖化的主要温室气体之一,产生自发电过程中燃烧的煤炭及天然气。 |
Carbon dioxide emissions are the primary source of greenhouse gases.
二氧化碳的释放是温室效应气体的主要来源。 |
Carbon dioxide from energy use is a major contributor to the greenhouse gases which scientists blame for global warming.
科学家将全球暖化怪罪于温室气体,其中绝大部份为能源使用后所产生的二氧化碳。 |
Carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen through the agency of plants.
二氧化碳由于植物的作用转化为氧气。 |
Carbon dioxide is often used for carbonated beverage, soda water, foodstuff, welding, plant protection, breeding, freezing, aquatic products, manufacture of the dry ice, fire extinguishing as the mixed gas used in surgery.
二氧化碳日常常见用于碳酸饮料、汽水、食品、焊接、植物保护、养殖、冷冻、水产、制造干冰、消防灭火,医疗手术中用的混合气。 |
Carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for up to a century after it is emitted, and has the effect of trapping heat on earth, causing climate change.
二氧化碳被排放后,在大气层中的留存时间高达一个世纪,它能阻止热量从地球散发出去,从而导致气候变化。 |
Carbon dioxide, one of the primary greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, comes from burning coal and natural gas to produce electricity.
二氧化碳被认为是造成全球暖化的主要温室气体之一,产生自发电过程中燃烧的煤炭及天然气。 |
Carbon emissions are the cause of this global warming.
二氧化碳的排放是全球变暖的原因。 |
Carbon filter except foul smell;acid and bacterium.
卡式活性炭过滤器,净油除味,脱酸,杀菌。 |
Carbon has 4 valencies.
碳的化合价是四价. |
Carbon has a valence of four.
碳的化合价是四价. |
Carbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound.
碳是一种元素,二氧化碳是一种化合物。 |